Show Us Your WEI

  1. Posts : 92

    grimreaper said:
    When I added an additional 4GB kit for a combined total of 8GB of memory, the system's hard drives would spin rapidly for about 5 mins, then bsod?
    If I leave it at 4GB, rock stable, and no, both kits ore fine.

    Perhaps you need to bump up your NB voltage....

    I run 8GB of mem on a tweaked E8600 with 8GB of dominator PC8500.
    Oh ya.. I had to accommodate the extra memory with a lil bit more power.
    Plus, I had to specify the voltage on the RAM. "Auto" didnt cut it.

    If you can tweak your board, give it a shot.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 99
    Windows 7 Professional x64

    Raid made absolutely no difference (on conventional HDDs), might be testing my other nonraid hdd?
    Anyway I'm happy how it performs in practical use.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6
    Win 7 RC 7100

    How is ur 260 at 7.3 >.< My 285 is 6.6 lol...
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    veggie said:
    How is ur 260 at 7.3 >.< My 285 is 6.6 lol...
    Hello Veggie.

    Have you tried to re-run the assessment?

    Control Panel, Action Center, View Performance Info, Advanced Tools, Clear all Windows Experience Index Scores and re-rate the system.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 6
    Win 7 RC 7100

    Yes I have best I can get is a 6.6. I feel like my cards not working right and it cost a ton and I wanna see what I can do.

    Is it just me or is my card only working at half its potential.

    While running COD4 I got this snapshot. Seems to be working.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 13
    Windows 7 Ultra 64-Bit

    Newer version of windows 7 will get you different WEI score.

    This is my Windows 7 Ultimate 7100 and Windows Enterprise 7 7600 same Laptop.
    I have read that the WEI score has been updated.
    There is no change in my hardware.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your WEI-capture.jpg   Show Us Your WEI-wei-windows-7-e.jpg  
    Last edited by kicker40; 02 Sep 2009 at 21:39.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 6
    Win 7 RC 7100

    Do you have to do a clean install for 7600?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    veggie said:
    Do you have to do a clean install for 7600?
    Sorry I never noticed you were still using the RC, the scores are better in the RTM. There are ways to do an upgrade with the RTM but imo it's more trouble than it's worth, a clean install would be best.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 13
    Windows 7 Ultra 64-Bit

    I did a clean install.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 Enterprise Build 7600 | Windows XP SP2

    this is mine..
    on RC..
    but intel graphics abit wierd..
      My Computer


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