Thanks for the repy. To answer the questions, yes, yes, yes, not yet.
However I have identified the reason and here is the reason in case others find themselves asking the same question.
The ATI 3D control panel has a slider between performance and quality. Any setting between Optimal Performance and High Quality gives a score of 7.7. Optimal Quality (furthest right - this is what I was using) gives 6.0. I am note sure what changes but something is causing the hit. I am going to play a few legacy games to see if they are affected as I am guessing something (AA maybe) is being enabled for everything not just when a game asks for it.
My old nVidia 880GTS did not exhibit this behaviour with all the setting on high.
The DirectX reporting is a red-herring, although it does beg the question, is it a reporting bug or is Windows 7 Aero actually using athe DirextX10 API?
Attached is my new WEI with ATI High Quality setting (the Q6600 is o/c to 3.0GHz).
If you want max score (7.9) on everything. I think that these can maybe get it:
Intel core i7 975 (or maybe 965) CPU (OC'd over 4 GHz)
2x Intel M25-X 80gig g2 raid0 (boot)
Triple channel DDR3-1600 RAM
2x evga gtx 295 (or maybe 285)
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Here is my build and planning to get the new ATi Radeon 5870 if they ever become available and go down in prices a little bit.