Here's mine, not that good
Here's mine, not that good
winsat command line options can provide additional information in addition to the simple numeric rating. Intel drivers now run winsat to determine whether to try to enable Aero. From an elevated command prompt run winsat followed by one of the following commands:
dwm Run the Desktop Windows Manager assessment
- Re-assess the systems graphics capabilities and
restart the Desktop Window Manager.
cpu Run the CPU assessment.
mem Run the system memory assessment.
d3d Run the d3d assessment
disk Run the storage assessment
media Run the media assessment
mfmedia Run the Media Foundation based assessment
features Run just the features assessment
- Enumerates the system's features.
- It's best used with the -xml <filename> switch
to save the data.
- The 'eef'switch can be used to enumerate extra
features such as optical disks, memory modules,
and other items.
winsat viewevents will open event viewer and filter to just winsat events
For more info theres always winsat -help!
Last edited by Bare Foot Kid; 08 Jan 2009 at 12:36.
Ted when you are saving a snip, please change the file type to jpg from png as these pics are huge.
Here is mine, does anyone know why you don't get any higher than 6 for gaming graphics when I've got a ATI HD4870X2 card installed...