Hello Nathan1991, welcome to Seven Forums!
I agree. An average would be much better. The high score on my HDD is Intel X25 SSD which is fast as hell
Anyone out there tell me why so many of us are getting rated on our hard disks base score of 5.9? My hard disks are all modern SATA's so why only 5.9?
I have my system BIOS set to SATA mode and not AHCI, if I were to re-install and set to the latter would it improove the hard disk score?
Also does anyone know of a way to switch to AHCI so that Win 7 still boots without doing a re-install? I have seen some methods for XP and Vista but not for this OS.
No , other poster said Win 7 would not show his OC, Mine is showing, just not with Turbo, like I stated on my post a few before his.
so how does the 'turbo' work on the i7? is it under load it will increase the multi by x1?
so you run a 20x200 no turbo and turbo boosts it to 21x200?
i thought the turbo feature interferes with the overclock and alot of ppl had to turn it off to get high o.c's? thats what i read on a review a while back anyways.
That is correct, actualy the Pic I posted with 20X200 was before some additional work, I'm now stable at 20X205, and in turbo it's 21X205 for 4.3, I was trying to hit 4.4 to see if it would take my cpu score up a notch, but don't think I will make it. I can boot at 21X210, but it wont pass LinX or run a WEI.
Last edited by KMoore4318; 18 Nov 2009 at 05:04. Reason: left off a 2
man thats insane! dual cores overclocked awesome then the quad cores overclocked well, but not as well as the dual cores (my e8400 got 4.22 on air, my q9550 best is 3.92 stable on air) and now the i7 quad with 4 threads is just slaughtered all series! well its good to see they done better than the C2Q in the overclock factor otherwise they would have gone backwards again. also you should tet with Intel Burn Test (if you havnt tried it). its got a good GUI now opposed to the command prompt windows and it has always tested harder than any other stresser out there that i have tried.
also have you tried configuring win7's power options, it will allow you to adjust the minimum processor usage, maybe if you play around with it you could get it to sit with turbo on? i use it on my laptop so it sits on its full multiplier instead of switching between speed step all the time. a real PITA!
im surprised your using the V8 cooler, from what i have read on alot of reviews and posts about it, it is not that much of a performer. though it does look really cool! and i have always wanted to use peltier cooling but just not in that way (direct cpu contact is what i want to try, but there is the condensation issue). really a perltier needs its independent power source to, as they draw in excess of 50w.