Show Us Your WEI

  1. Posts : 47
    windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    restrada said:
    janno said:
    My WEI is now 5.9

    my setup:

    Asus P5B deluxe
    2,40 GHZ Core 2 duo
    4 GB PC6400 RAM
    Asus eax1950pro (265 MB)
    HD??? sorry, no idea...

    i`m upgrading soon, this will be my new specs:

    I7 930
    Asus P6TD Deluxe
    6GB PC16000 OCZ Platinum
    XFX Radeon 5770 xxx
    WD Caviar Black 500 GB, 7200 Rpm, 32 MB

    it should be above 7 the next time I check in, but now i`m thinking of getting an SSD...

    is this useful?

    The specs look great, but the 500 WD Caviar will prevent you from getting past a 5.9 score. Get a good Intel SSD and that will put you over 7.
    i`ve already changed it to this one:

    WD Caviar Black 1 TB, 7200 Rpm, 64 MB, Sata III/600

    just because most SSD`s are connected via Sata II, and thus the speed of your SATA connection is the bottleneck.
    if i really want a good ssd setup, i would have to buy one with a PCI connection, and man, those things are just a little over my budget.

    my new rig is already putting me back about €1.800, and that`s no pocket change...

    and the second change is that i`m now going for 12 GB ram...
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,899
    Windows 7 Ult x64(x2), HomePrem x32(x4), Server 08 (+VM), 08 R2 (VM) , SuSe 11.2 (VM), XP 32 (VM)

    janno said:

    i`ve already changed it to this one:

    WD Caviar Black 1 TB, 7200 Rpm, 64 MB, Sata III/600

    just because most SSD`s are connected via Sata II, and thus the speed of your SATA connection is the bottleneck.
    if i really want a good ssd setup, i would have to buy one with a PCI connection, and man, those things are just a little over my budget.

    my new rig is already putting me back about €1.800, and that`s no pocket change...

    and the second change is that i`m now going for 12 GB ram...
    actually there are only a few ssds that can fully take avantage of the Sata 3 speed in the market right now
    that caviar black wont give you as much boost as a sata 2 ssd (as you already know)
    if you really want speed look at the pci-e ram disk implementations, those will last you and heck are they fast...
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 47
    windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    darkassain said:
    actually there are only a few ssds that can fully take avantage of the Sata 3 speed in the market right now
    that caviar black wont give you as much boost as a sata 2 ssd (as you already know)
    if you really want speed look at the pci-e ram disk implementations, those will last you and heck are they fast...
    maybe in the near future there will be some affordable SSD`s that can take advantage of Sata III, untill then i`ll be using the WD so at least my pc isnt as slow as my current rig (2 years ago it was about the fastest you could get, time flies when your having fun)...

    but your absolutely right that an SSD belongs in my new rig (not only for the WEI ofcourse)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8
    Windows 7 Home Premium

    STRANGE LITTLE WEI! 6.3 Across The Boaard EXCEPT Last 1

    Is this weird?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your WEI-touchsmart-wei-after-win-7-upgrade.png  
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  5. Posts : 181
    Windows 8.1 (Update 1) Both Machines

    Dummbunny said:
    Is this weird?
    Lol. That´s funny. No is not weird, the last one will always be 5.9 if you have a 7.2k RPM hard drive or higher. The only way to achieve it higher, is by getting a SSD
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 17,322
    Win 10 Pro x64

    Dummbunny said:
    Is this weird?

    That seems to be the average score for non-solid state drives, unfortunately my low is on my CPU, I wouldn't mind having your numbers.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 14
    Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit

    I've only got a little one
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  8. Posts : 22
    Windows 7 Premium (OEM)

    Sort of a bummer how a RAID-0 Setup sores the exact same as a standard single drive setup - or else I would be right at ~7.3avg

    Show Us Your WEI-windowsscore.jpg
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  9. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    Hello Jo 90 and WowMike2002, welcome both of you to Seven Forums!
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 22
    Windows 7 Premium (OEM)

    Bare Foot Kid said:
    Hello Jo 90 and WowMike2002, welcome both of you to Seven Forums!
    Thanks Bare Foot!

    Glad to be a part of it! First thing I did was search up how to change the logon screen =)

    Thanks again!
      My Computer


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