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  1. Posts : 71
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    Swimaf said:
    fastslvblkcar said:
    i would think the video card(s) would get a higher score.
    Hum, there is an issue with your computer my friend

    IMO you should immediately change your GPU (for a GTS250 or 5770 for instance) 'cause the one you have is very very weak, even for Win7.
    Your CPU is one of the best for now and your HDD isn't bad at all. Look at your RAM settings, you probably may increase that low score with a minimum of effort (watch the RAM performance thread)


    Have a look at my EeePC WEI, you didn't expect such a power inside a so little thing, did you?
    umm, did you tweak the numbers somehow?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 71
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    tw33k said:
    Swimaf said:
    Have a look at my EeePC WEI, you didn't expect such a power inside a so little thing, did you?
    Please post the model number of that netbook because if it is as you say I'm buying one.
    Those are not real numbers. Come on now. I have almost 3 times the power that Eeepc has and and I did not get those numbers.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,223
    Win 10 x64 Pro x64 / Ubuntu 15.10 x64

    Swimaf said:
    cabal06ba said:
    @Swimaf[/B]: WTF, what did you do to this EEE-PC ...steroids or WordPad?!
    lol there is even link to info how to change WEI by yourself in Wordpad xD
    Damn, I am unmasked
    Actually the true score is closer to 2.1 than 7.5 ...

    Nice one.... Swimaf, you actually managed to trick a good number of people with that one.. You even had me going for a while too, but I must admit I've never known much about those chibi-laptops anyway. Lol.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 325
    Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1

    cabal06ba said:
    EDIT: BTW, I somewhat lost my interest in WEI now that I just tested Resident Evil 5 and it runs like a charm with DirectX10 1920x1200 8xAA and all possible quality settings at maximum! that's what I call a really pleasing EXPERIENCE;
    i ran RE5 in DX10 mode and didn't see any difference in graphics. it only run slower.
    after some googling i found out that there's is no bonuses from DX10 mode.
    from tomshardware: "... [no] new content, or shaders, [or] effects added to Direct[X] 10.
    actually i have yet to see any substantial difference between 9 & 10(.1). DX11 stands apart with that tessellation thing, which is awesome no doubt about that.
    I just love the Resident Evil series ever since I had my Playstation! At first I was a little surprised though that you could still sell PC games that don't let your character jump and crouch.
    RE fan here too. right now i'm playing RE0 on Dolphin emu. my new rig finally makes it possible
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,519
    El Capitan / Windows 10

    My newest after a little meltdown with the kids forced me to take the low profile case down to scratch and reassemble and retune everything. I'm very happy with an old Q6600@3.6 o/c 9x400 and HD4650 o/c 700c/825m w/ a 30GB early Vertex w/ 1.5 firmware. Full report in XPS format here:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your WEI-untitled.png  
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,127
    Windows XP - Now Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit).

    jasin said:

    This one is for my desktop
    Yippee! finally, someone who has a lower score than I do! (3.9)
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 16
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 / Mac OS 10.6.2 VMWare / Ubuntu 9.10 VMWare

    baarod said:
    My newest after a little meltdown with the kids forced me to take the low profile case down to scratch and reassemble and retune everything. I'm very happy with an old Q6600@3.6 o/c 9x400 and HD4650 o/c 700c/825m w/ a 30GB early Vertex w/ 1.5 firmware. Full report in XPS format here:
    Is that an SLC drive you got there?

    P.S. That dude has epic boobs....
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    Hello jasin, welcome to Seven Forums!
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 42
    Win7 Pro x64

    Hi Jasin, I guess you missed that one before Swimaf posted his EEE-PC world record WEI score:
    Lol, i agree BFK, I was just wanting to please the rest here I posted this link before as a separate thread and he agrees with you/us.

    lol there is even link to info how to change WEI by yourself in Wordpad xD
    One last comment to the games addressed: Of course valzero is right and RE5 is not the ultimate benchmark for current high end systems BUT I've tried the STALKER series as well (and true, I wasn't able to crank all settings to maximum quality) and I must say that RE5 simply looks better than STALKER! I totally accredit the STALKER engine for setting a mile-stone some time ago, but I gotta give props to the RE5 adaption for its nice graphics with comparably mild demands to the hardware.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 51
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    jasin said:
    Those are not real numbers. Come on now. I have almost 3 times the power that Eeepc has and and I did not get those numbers.
    Have you ever seen an EeePc which makes Crysis and GTAIV running on?
    If so you found it inside a meteorit that comes from the Alienware galaxy
    No, that's not possible to get a 'real' 7.5 WEI with this little piece of silicium, I just did a little trick on it with a good workpad and posted it as well

    Nice one.... Swimaf, you actually managed to trick a good number of people with that one.. You even had me going for a while too, but I must admit I've never known much about those chibi-laptops anyway. Lol.
    Honnestly I did not expect anybody to fall into the trap

    I gotta give props to the RE5 adaption for its nice graphics with comparably mild demands to the hardware.
    As I said RE5 is a very successful PC-optimized game with a very good graphic quality indeed. Capcom's developpers show us that console adaptions do not always mean poor PC games, I obviously think about GTAIV, but not only.
      My Computer


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