Yeah, it's the dark stain on an otherwise bright system. I'm good though, don't have (want to spend) the money for an SSD drive yet. Prices Prices Prices
If you keep an eye open you can get an intel x25v for under 100$. (this may be more than you want to spend as well just saying a very good ssd might not be as expensive as you think)
And tightening your ram timings a tiny bit would likely give you 7.9 memory. I doubt you'd care but just in case you do I thought I'd throw it out there.
My problem is is that I like high end items but live on a low end budget
I don't have a problem spending a hundred dollars, provided I get what I want
Well in this case 100$ gets you 7.3 or so, if that's what you want got for it! If 7.9 is what you want get 2!
All joking aside, I'm sure you've read here and elsewhere, ssd is an instant noticeable performance increase. The 'snappyness' factor has to be experienced to truly understand. In my case I spent a lot of time benching my ssd array which most of the time means having windows on a spare drive so I can break/build the array many times to test things like stripe size and controller settings. After awhile I bought an x25v just for this purpose, after going to ssd I can't stand having the os on a spinner anymore, even temporarily for benchmarking. I don't even keep the x25v connected and haven't used it in a few weeks but there is a new firmware update for my crucial drives so I'll be benching again soon.
Edit: I just wanted to add your system is very good even without any ssds, I've said before if you're in the 6's or especially in the 7's your actual w7 experience is going to be great.
Puff 7.3 I'm happy with my system as is right now, and I haven’t even done my overclocks! There's a couple of upgrades I'll be making in the next 30 days though - PS, CPU Cooler, "maybe" a video card. After that I "might" I consider spending the money needed for quality 120+GB SSD drive, but that won't be anytime soon. I've got a digital camera to buy; and that puppy is expensive!
Yeah, that was one of my points, I don't want to buy just any SSD drive. If I'm going to get one, I prefer to get a good one. Money well spent.
As to the WEI Score, I know, and see, that my system's pretty fast even without an SSD drive, so I'm happy. Sure, I'd like to have one, but for what I'd want, the cost is a little too steep. The reason why I never got a WD Raptor, though the prices on those are dropping rapidly, but still.
Just for some reported info on the X25 V, it could be considered faster than any spinner out there.
If you want better performance at a better price then by all means wait a while longer, but the little SSD from Intel isn't that bad.
Intel x25-V 40Gb SSD AS SSD benchmarks and WEI score.
WEI score of 7.6 isn't so bad. Even though WEI isn't a real benchmark, just an indication of how the system works together.
The new SandForce controllers are showing some impressive numbers, though they need some longevity stats befor they're confirmed to be #1.
OCZ Vertex 2 50GB, Read 285 MB/s, Write 275 MB/s, for $199.
It's newly released and cheaper than the Vertex (1), and faster.
The patient will see a price drop after a while.
My problem is I want something that's at least 120+GB. For me a 40-50GB SSD drive just isn't worth it, performance or not.
Completely agree - And also why I'm not rushing out to by a 50GB SSD drive for $200. It'd be nice to have one, but the cost per gig just doesn't justify it for me at this time.
And as you said... "The patient will see a price drop after a while". I'm banking on it