my laptop drive scored 4.5 post #603
as for the amount of ram affecting your WEI, it did have a large play factor in b7000 as the scoring system would limit it if you had 4gb or less. but now with the 7057 and up they removed that limitation and so we get to see our true score with just 4gb of ram, so i dont think the amount of ram has much factor in it as it did before. as it uses the 'winsat mem' command it just tests the bandwidth speed, but with that said im not sure what speeds you need to get certain scores.
for example: my 4gb 2x2 1800mhz ddr3 at 8/7/6/15/2T timing has a transfer bandwidth of about 8600mb/s, WEI rates its at 7.5.
before i was running b7000, with it limited to 5.9 in x64, x32 i think limited it to 5.5? (cant really remember what x32 was tbh)
alot of people are getting 7.5 now, take Sandeep here for example, i dont know the specs but it looks like 4gb 2x2 ddr2 1066, scoring 7.4 in WEI. in beta7000 x64 that would have been 5.9 WEI.
that should help with your Q with WEI and memory ratings Magnus.
Last edited by KMoore4318; 07 Apr 2009 at 18:36. Reason: moved words