I love how Microsoft made it "impossible" to get a 7.9 for no reason :)
I love how Microsoft made it "impossible" to get a 7.9 for no reason :)
Scratch that, I love how Microsoft puts in the experience index. It just makes non-tech-savvy people think their computer sucks, so they buy a new one (don't tell me nobody does this, I can think of people) :).
I think the 7.9 will be doable once the nvidia 300 series cards come out in 6-9 months with DDR5 and DX11 support, I can get close, with my system but have little incentive to push since I know my score will be 6.6 no matter what I do,due to gaming graphics. I have 4 of 5 catagories @ 7.5 or above, and do not think Win 7 is using or rateing Quad SLI with its presant driver.
I think that if you stuck in some ATi 4870x2's (which have DDR5 and DX11 support already, take that Nvidia! ) then you could get a higher score.
And you would get a higher score with me as well, because I don't like nvidia . Although, I would take a computer with an nvidia card any day over my piece of crap.
Not that far away from 7.9 for processor... but I guess I would need best quad core for that...
I have Q9550 @3740mhz and nvidia Geforce gtx 260 OC'd to something, OC'd 4gb memory @ 1100mhz or something and samsung F1 hdd, sadly not OC'd... o wait
ikilledkenny ,Are you sure 4870 has dx11 support, and not just 10.1,? I would like to see someone get a 7.9 in both graphics catagories before I spend that kind of cash,
No! No GPU is capable of supporting DX11 at the moment. 10.1 is the most at the minute.
Yep the current range of ATI cards are 10.1 only. There are no current dx11 cards available in either camp
That's strange. I know that there is at least one (any brand), because I saw a YouTube video that compared DX11 to DX 10.1. Feel free to check/correct me.