Another point to notice, when i refresh the score from the performance window im getting 5.9 for aero........ BUT again when i use the "winsat dwmformal" command in the cmd prompt, i can see the newly created dwm.Assessment file in the datastore folder with aero graphics score of "7.9" in it!!!!!!. May be there is a bug in the calculation in this build.
Anyway ill install the build 7000 on my another partition and will post my result!!
Pfff, forget build 7000, try the Vista RC! Then you might get a 7.9!
Geez, mine is shocking compared to everyone elses
dont let the scores bother you, according to microsoft a 2.0 to 3.0 is what most will get,
" About your computer's subscore
The subscores are the result of tests run on the RAM, CPU, hard disk, general desktop graphics, and 3‑D gaming graphics hardware components of your computer. If your base score isn't sufficient for a program or Windows 7 experience, you can use the subscores to figure out which components you need to upgrade.
The base score is a good indicator of how your computer will perform generally. The subscores can help you understand your computer's level of performance for specific experiences:
Also according to Microsoft scores in the 7.0 range are not possable at this time,
- Office productivity. If you use your computer almost exclusively for office productivity experiences, such as word processing, spreadsheets, e‑mail, and web browsing, then high subscores in the CPU and memory categories are important. Subscores of 2.0 or higher are usually sufficient in the desktop graphics and 3‑D graphics categories.
- Gaming and graphic-intensive programs. If you use your computer for games or programs that are graphic-intensive, such as digital video editing programs or realistic first-person games, then high subscores in the RAM, desktop graphics, 3‑D gaming graphics, and CPU categories are important. A subscore of 3.0 or higher is usually sufficient in the hard disk category.
- Media center experience. If you use your computer as a media center for advanced multimedia experiences such as recording HDTV programming, then high subscores in the CPU, hard disk, and desktop graphics categories are important. Subscores of 3.0 or higher are usually sufficient in the memory and 3‑D graphics categories. "
Last edited by KMoore4318; 21 May 2009 at 03:18. Reason: spelling
well here is a shock in a shell for yall, i run 7057 on my craptop (waiting till final is released) with the all famous and kick bum i945 chipset integrated grfx adapter, my scores were 3.3, 4.5, 2.3, 3.0, 4.5. after installing an update that popped up my wie was greyed out as if it needed to be refreshed as if i had maybe i had done a hardware upgrade like if i had crammed in a gtx295 and a i7 965ee. reran the assesment and scores all remained the same except my Aero performance (the 2.3 score) that increased a whopping .1 point! that brang the bar up to 2.4!!! the i945 chipset whoops butt again!
so my ass{}umptions were right, the scores will be updated via windows update, so if you want high scores just install beta7000 or earlier and just leave your internet d/cted so it wont allow updates. other than that if we use windows update and install anything that contains "update for windows 7" we are all doomed to perish into the poverty world of "lack of updating or hardware every 2 days".
lmao. just a bit of heads up to thos that didnt know.
I should have been more spec sific, somewhere in this thread is my wei for my laptop, acer travelmate 2140 1.73 celeron m, 2gb ddr2 667, 55gb ata133 hdd with bad sectors all on the lightning fast intel 945 chipset. My rig in my specs is in peices atm due to me waiting on my new ram. So ive cleaned all the dust out of the grfx cards (man they can build up some crap with that fan design) and re lapped my cpu and 120xtreme down to a mirror finish. Now im just dying to get back into my games. I now have a brand new xfx 790i ultra that im deciding on what to do with as i bought the evga 790i ftw digi pwm cos i damaged the xfx ultra putting the cpu cooler in and wasnt expecting them to rma it. Maybe i might build a htpc or just sell it?
LMAO. i didnt really understand half of that.
so what your saying is those experience ranks were for a diff computer...ok then.