Looks like website issue might have to get it from the catalog
Microsoft Update Catalog
Okay your path is wrong. "Full path to" is meant to be replaced with the full patch to the downloaded installer. You can get the path by "Shift+right clicking" on the installer file then choose "Copy as path"
Paste that path into this command line:
start /wait "" "%SystemRoot%\system32\wusa.exe" "Full Path To" /quiet /norestart
Replace Full Path to with the copied path but include one set of quotes.
As for DavidE's suggestion - I was coming to that but personally I reckon it's best to go through the other steps first.
I reckon it's best to get the other updates sorted out first but who knows. On my home based machine that update installed in less than 5 minutes but on my work based machine it took more than an hour for the reboot to complete.
Isn't it also required to check that KB3020639 has been installed before going ahead?
Download KB3020369
and KB3161608
Here are link for use with Internet Explorer:
Microsoft Update Catalog
RE: KB3161608
Can't find the update currently it does not seem to be available.
I've seen this happen before. Suggest checking again in a few hours or even wait until tomorrow to see if it becomes available for download again.
Reference to previous download an update issue:
Is it me or why i can't download KB3135445 manual update?
It works for that one now. But it's not the update required in this case - just posted as an example.
Nope looks as though KB3161608 has been replaced,
Downloads are not live yet so try tomorrow or later tonight :/
Cheers! Possibly still need to install
Sorry I meant possibly install this one first:
Will have to test it tomorrow.
Logic is:
kb3020369 required before installing pulled update kb3161608 so I guess that kb3020369 is still going to be required before installing the replacement for kb3161608. I could be wrong!
Last edited by Callender; 21 Jul 2016 at 19:30. Reason: correction
Let us know what you find out about this Chris. :)
If you're right about needing KB3161608 for this update, then the KB3172605 Prerequisites info is wrong.
I can't test it, i am fully updated including both KB's, but that info could help others.
Screen snip source: