Is CHKDSK stuck? Might there be an alternative to CHKDSK?

  1. Posts : 897
    Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    Is CHKDSK stuck? Might there be an alternative to CHKDSK?

    It been working on this same Record for about eight hours, should I cancel it?

    Is there another Utility that I could use instead?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Windows-7 Pro will not let go.
    Task Manager shows no Applications running.
    It's been hours since I first tried.
    Any ideas on how to get Windows-7 Pro to let go?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Is CHKDSK stuck? Might there be an alternative to CHKDSK?-capture-chkdsk-stuck.png   Is CHKDSK stuck? Might there be an alternative to CHKDSK?-capture-i-am-really-stuck.png  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 82

    From elevated CMD
    taskkill.exe /F /FI "status eq NOT RESPONDING"

    I would then try run chkdsk again if it does the same thing and hangs then i would try doing on next boot chkdsk by doing in elevated console chkdsk /x /f /r and then rebooting.

    If it keeps hanging then you would need to look further into why with further tests. Windows 7 can be pretty intermittent tho it was always like this.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 897
    Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    Thank you!

    Question, how do I aim it at the Drive in question - Drive H ?

    Yes, I was able to figure it out and started CHKDSK processing Drive H:

    Now some startling EYE CANDY of how CHKDSK is using my PC's resources:

    I have never noticed any program using MEMORY like that?

    If it can and it speeds things up, so be it!

    What's your opinion?

    - - - Updated - - -

    I despaired after 1/2 hour of waiting on CHKDSK to FIX a 500GB 7200RPM Drive.
    If it couldn't show any progress or complete the job, I have a BIG problem.

    I did suspect the Docking Station, so I tried a different Brand, same results.

    Next, I'm going to try a Clone. This might eliminate a Hardware Problem by moving a Software Problem to a different Physical Device.
    Yes, I'm grasping at straws, but I have no other alternatives in mind.

    Might any Forum Member have another approach?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Is CHKDSK stuck? Might there be an alternative to CHKDSK?-capture-chkdsk-its-running.png   Is CHKDSK stuck? Might there be an alternative to CHKDSK?-capture-chkdsk-memory-usage.png   Is CHKDSK stuck? Might there be an alternative to CHKDSK?-capture-chkdsk-disk-usage.png  
    Last edited by Mike Lynch; 16 Oct 2024 at 07:40.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 82

    No idea tbh, that image does not tell anything except your 16gb of memory is being saturated. You would have to look in the process tab.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 897
    Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    In the Process Tab, what should I be looking for?

    Remember, I am a Novice and can look at the Problem but not recognize it.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 19
    w7rt, w7x64 pro, w10ltsc

    scandisk and chkdsk are failures since 1985. Always recovers fragments and almost never fixes anything while often hanging for hours...
    chkdsk when starts before OS (command lines) works at least better - by having unrestricted access to normally locked files by system and sometimes even saying what is wrong.

    Recently I was fighting for 10 days with Kingston A1000 nvme m.2 - dumb chkdsk was reporting that everything is good while about 3gb data was inaccessible, and PC was loading about over 10 minutes when clicked on HDD. Every other hdd scanner was starting hard grinding after about 5% 7% and 10% of this faulty drive, but chkdsk was finishing in 1 minute with no errors at all.

    So far I have noticed that ANY third party, low-level hdd scanner does much better job, mainly by showing you progress and log, so you could known if program froze or milling something hard.
    I recommend MiniTool Partition Wizard or even GParted. Even old HDD Tune (paid program)
    Or just use any Linux tools - this is why they are for. Even this hybrid called Hiren's 15.2 (heavily modified WinXP) or newer version if your PC is capable to run Win10PE
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,924
    win 8 32 bit

    If it takes a long time it suggest a faulty disk goto disk makers site they normally have a free disk test specific for the drive
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 19
    w7rt, w7x64 pro, w10ltsc

    There is only 1 (ONE) magical program which actually works and repairs HDD surface errors. With best visualization and live log (counts). It is called Victoria. Has saved my hdd's countless times.
    Victoria SSD/HDD - Download
    Download Victoria for Windows - MajorGeeks
      My Computer


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