Not exactly mind blowing, but ok I guess.
Not exactly mind blowing, but ok I guess.
Dam you essenbe lol
That's one seriously sweet time! Respect for that!
It was 28 sec the first time. I disabled the Marvell controller and got 23. At least on my board, it takes 5 seconds to initialize the Marvell controller.
Lol, you rumbled me
Seven was faster for me by far right from the get tgo (caompared to XP). Of course, the SSD made a big difference when installed that. It's great to want to look at something on the PC, press the power button, and be surfing in less than a minute :)
A Guy
I hadn't run this utility on my 3 year old Dell Latitude E6400 laptop since buying my Intel 320 Series SSD.
This isn't bad