ReBoot Time

  1. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64

    StalkeR said:
    Thanks Steve. I have seen above with an SSD system reboots in only 18 sec. ...
    And did it also show exactly how many process and services where culled to reach that time?

    BIOS also plays a huge deal when using the restart.vbs script.

    Yours is great for a HDD.

    ReBoot Time-b-c4-restart.jpg

    ▲ And that's with an SSD, so you're laughing.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,679
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    I have only MSE and uTorrent at startup, nothing else. :)

    And, I have AMI BIOS v1.7. :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 27,060
    Windows 11 Pro

    StalkeR's is great for a HDD. I have only MSE at startup. With an SSD, you don't need all of the startup items. That is the way I normally run my system.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    StalkeR said:
    Here's mine... I don't think that it's so good...

    Attachment 185628
    That is excellant with a spinner drive Boshko! My best time has been 63 seconds with my spinner. Remove Utorrent from start up and see how it changes.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 8,679
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Hehe.. Thanks guys !:)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 53,405
    Windows 10 Home x64

    StalkeR said:
    Here's mine... I don't think that it's so good...

    Attachment 185628
    Yup, it's good. my system without SSD is 67 seconds. A Guy
      My Computer

  7. MdM
    Posts : 39
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    Cool, let's do it!

    ReBoot Time-reboot.png

    I have a couple of apps on startup and WLM, plus I spent 3 seconds typing the account password, I don't know if it counts that one too

    Edit : Actually I just checked and there are 11 apps being loaded on startup, I could probably do some cleaning there and improve my time.

    2nd Edit : Ok I removed the password, left only 2 apps running but it only saved 2 seconds, so I guess I can't go better than 48 secs.
    I really don't want to waste my time disabling services and tweaking, it's pretty fast and I'm good with it :)
    Last edited by MdM; 30 Nov 2011 at 21:54. Reason: Added more info
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 8,679
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Great one !
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 27,060
    Windows 11 Pro

    That's a really good one!
      My Computer


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