Couldn't agree more.
With this laptop of mine (no SSD) I can get reboot time down to about 35 to 40 seconds, to proudly post here and tell "Look guys, a laptop and no SSD!". But then before really starting to use it I would need to launch a bunch a background processes, disabled to get a nice screenshot, to start working. I've settled to a 55 second reboot time. Does it affect my everyday computer usage? Of course not, I boot once a day and only reboot when Windows Update tells me to do so and that does not happen very often.
Personally I have always failed to see the relevance of this kind of ego boosting, as well as for instance "Look! I got this good Windows Experience Index!". Both of these have next to nothing to do with functionality of your PC, the fact that you have made the best out of it for it to work for you.