It takes me about 5 minutes to reboot my work pc. I'm not complaining. :)
Whats the post number of interest to start reading at.
It takes me about 5 minutes to reboot my work pc. I'm not complaining. :)
Whats the post number of interest to start reading at.
The difference in you and a 'Pro' is that a real pro does not have to run around and tell people he is a pro. And telling people they should throw their SSD in the air and shoot it to make the world a better place, is not being a pro. I really know very little about you, but we have people here who have forgotten more about computers than you will ever know. To believe that restart time or WEI scores tells you if you have a good computer says a lot about the person making that statement.
No matter what your restart time is or what your WEI score is has not one thing to do with having a good computer. If your computer runs well enough to make you happy and will do what you need it to do, it is a good computer for you. If you have to have the biggest, fastest and latest technology, I say go for it. But, if someone else does not require that does not make their computer 'crap'. Computers to most people are a tool used to get a certain job done. If their tool will do that and meet their expectations, it is a good tool. On this forum we do not tell people their computer is crap. We try to help them if their computer is not running to their expectations and help if they have problems. If the comments that have been made about your posts don't tell you that, Then perhaps you should re-read them. We come here to help people, not to insult them.
Don't post info for which you obviously know nothing about bud. I don't care what you think say or do Mr Pro. You are a professional what, auto mechanic, plumber? We often get trolls here who proclaim they are pro and tell us all what we do wrong. As Steve said if one is a true pro it shows in their writing and has no need to tell us so, lol.
Good to start my day with a heart guffaw.
Now I'll go play with my crappy PC and cry.
Oh, I understood exactly what you said, you see, my brain is powerful enough to comprehend what someone has said. Let me repeat this for you since you had trouble with it the first time......computers with identical hardware will always run a little different. Wait.....let it sink in. There, we aren't talking in "theory", we are talking real life. Did you not make it through Computers 101? That is one of the first things you should have learned in there. Don't worry, you are in the right place to learn as we try to be a very helpful community. I can see from the day you joined, and how much you've contributed, you may want to spend a little more time reading and less time posting until you can get that brain/hand issue worked out, or it may be worked out for you. We are here to talk shop, help out, and aren't doing any of those things.
startas, I don't believe you are trying to troll, you did try to start a flaming war, insulting members repeatedly will not give you any credit in this forum. In fact you will find the opposite.
Your computer knowledge, from your previous posts, indicate that you should spend more time reading than posting, as mentioned previously.
This is not intended to insult you, just advise that you may consider if you wish to learn from this forum.
Proceed with your current approach at your own risk.
Good way to find a quick exit. Better hope the mods are in a good mood if they see this thread. A Guy
Thats exactly the problem - you people just dont understand what i wrote, it looks like your brain isnt powerful enough to understand, what i what wrote, because you starting to interprete my words in your on way, and a simple joke you consider as flame war - really pro, concentrating on joke and starting flame war instead of understanding truth meaning of my words...
Plus i would like to add, that your instant negative mood against innocent people, just because your brain isnt powerful enough to process a simple joke and an usefull suggestion, is worth attention of admins, too.
All you care about is not getting some help, but finding reason to immediately attack people, so fukc you, cause its not like i needed help, i just wanted to help, but if you dont wanna get help, do as you want.