72 seconds , that's with just Itunes disabled at start-up and I always have it that way. not too bad i suppose.
Fasest I could get [ 19 Seconds ] ... Using a Samsung 840 Pro SSD
Things are still pretty smokin here, I have only 12GB free of my 128, all programs running on startup and it's pretty sweet. I need to move some games to a spinner soon as I am nearly out of space, but I have a brand new Samsung Spinpoint 320gb which is good to go.
this is really good .you beat me by 5 secs i do 21 secs
I could probably speed up my reboot time from 19 seconds if I updated my RAM and Processor. I'm running a 2nd gen Core i7 and only 1300Mhz RAM. Im sure updating those would shave some seconds off.