ReBoot Time

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  1. Posts : 319
    Mac OS X Yosemite

    well here is mine. but it be half of this time if i dont have an antivirus >_>
    avast home edition FTW for security. FTL for eating my boot up time -.-
    i just wish i can get to at least 50 seconds or 60 the most with an antivirus
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ReBoot Time-reboot-time.png  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 12,120
    Win 7 Pro x64 / Win 10 Pro

    Twice as fast as vista.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ReBoot Time-restart-time.png  
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1
    Windows 7

    Must say, I'm happy with my new HP laptop even though it only has a 5400rpm drive.

    ReBoot Time-restart.jpg

    Have to admit it's a clean install of W7 x64, but I haven't disabled any services. Will post again once I've loaded latest drivers, anti-virus etc.

    ReBoot Time-bootracer.jpg
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 319
    Mac OS X Yosemite

    I RECALL MY 80 SECOND BOOT TIME! That was with avast. heres with MSE

    49 seconds ftw! but its actually! but really when i turn on my laptop it takes 40 seconds to get to my desktop
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ReBoot Time-boot-time.png  
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 458
    Windows 7 7600 x64 (16385) Ultimate,Windows Vista x64 Ultimate

    Brian6121990 said:
    I RECALL MY 80 SECOND BOOT TIME! That was with avast. heres with MSE

    49 seconds ftw! but its actually! but really when i turn on my laptop it takes 40 seconds to get to my desktop
    What is MSE? i use Avast myself, have done for quite a while, even BOUGHT a licence!lol. so is MSE better than Avast?

    edit, i found this thread, and also realised its still beta. maybe once its final and proven working well i will upgrade. but by then it will prob not be free either (it is microsoft).
    How good MSE really is?

    hopefully it will still run fast on the system when its final and not slow the system down like other virus programs.

    i wonder why Antman was banned??
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 10
    Windows 7

    Her is mine, not bad for a system i built 2 years ago, just installed 7 and have not tweaked it yet
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,651
    W7 RTM Ultimate x64

    bloke said:
    Brian6121990 said:
    I RECALL MY 80 SECOND BOOT TIME! That was with avast. heres with MSE

    49 seconds ftw! but its actually! but really when i turn on my laptop it takes 40 seconds to get to my desktop
    What is MSE? i use Avast myself, have done for quite a while, even BOUGHT a licence!lol. so is MSE better than Avast?

    edit, i found this thread, and also realised its still beta. maybe once its final and proven working well i will upgrade. but by then it will prob not be free either (it is microsoft).
    How good MSE really is?

    hopefully it will still run fast on the system when its final and not slow the system down like other virus programs.

    i wonder why Antman was banned??
    MSE is Mircrosoft Security Essentials, kinda smartly named with Essentials after it like the Windows Live Suite.

    And yes, MSE runs very smoothly and in quite a quiet manner, and only shows its face if something ain't right.

    I'd tell you why Antman got banned, but if i want to keep my place on this Forum, it's better i keep my mouth shut.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 319
    Mac OS X Yosemite

    soooooo off topic? LOL
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,651
    W7 RTM Ultimate x64

    Brian6121990 said:
    soooooo off topic? LOL
    Just a tad, had to explain something quickly, if youve got something to post, go ahead :)
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 319
    Mac OS X Yosemite

    oh no XD just wondering what is the record for fastest boot time someone had posted in this topic
      My Computer

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