30-40 seconds is within the SSD's league only. I'm not sure if even RAID 0 raptors can boot that fast. 45 seconds is pretty good for a normal HDD. Remember, we're talking reboot time here, not just boot time. Do paste the list of all your startup items here and we can see what to remove. Defraging makes a HUGE difference too.
I've finally managed to hit my target of 24-25 seconds reboot without disabling my frequently used startup programs like biometrics, Dell Control Point and MS Security Essentials. I'm not so concerned with improving just boot speed, but overall drive speed. I also placed MS Word 2010 in the startup folder. Results are consistent, notice that the screen shot isn't from the video.
Last edited by fatedquest; 25 Feb 2010 at 21:57.
Nothing to say.
Im not thaat surprised at the boot time, i do have an extremely fast comp.
I followed loads of guides with making boot time shorter, even regedited some services out!
Please share your guides and regedits. Thanks. I would like to bring my boot time lower too, but I'm afraid I might edit the wrong entry's and screw up my system. I've notice alot of misinformed guides out there. How stable is your system? I would like to try reducing my startup items and unnecessary services too. Thanks!
EDIT: Sorry for those who want to know how to do this, i just read loads of guides and edited regedit loads i guess
One tip is to enable auto login.
What i did do was set regedit settings to span all starting services across ten minutes after the computer is started!
Hope this helps....