Easy to show off when you use a different program
How about mine?
quite alot, plus all windows update ect. i just followed a few tweaks here and there.
some bios tweak ect. turn off stuff i never use. lots of nfo on here and OCZ to get windows running they way you want it. but its a trial & error.
also not sure if my OC helps? and 12GB of DDR3 1600
also that 10/13 is not inc the bios start as that app don't count it. so add another 8 sec on there.
but now if i use IDE and some say it shaves more time off? lol 5 sec reboot? hah
I started on tweaking and gave up after a few hours, even turning off stuff I never use added seconds instead of making it faster lol
With the other reboot app I get between 45 & 50 sec so can't really complain with the apps & games I have installed, I lose alot of time before the bios kicks in, probably around 15 seconds, no idea why, I even get a screen message that it gets no data?!?
I'll post a new one when I used the OC button on my msi mobo, should be enough and keeps me from ruining my puter