How to open Elevated Command Prompt?

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  1. Arc
    Posts : 35,373
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 64-bit

    How to open Elevated Command Prompt?

    Hi friends !
    Uber Philf told me to start a new thread with my problem. I cannot open an Elevated Command Prompt, Dont know why. I know that I can open it in two alternative ways : 1). Win+R, type cmd, hit enter eith ctrl+shift pressed ; and 2). start > all programs > accessories > command prompt > right click and run as admit. The prompt should be C:\Windows\System32_

    But What prompt I am having is C:\Users\username_

    Am I doing it wrong? Then what I am to do? I have user account control settings turned off.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,796
    Windows 10, Home Clean Install

    Several member had the same problem

    Go to search by the start menu

    type cmd

    As soon as cmd pops up, do not hit enter. right click and run as adminitraor.

    If done properly you will have the cmd. Try and report back
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17,796
    Windows 10, Home Clean Install

    This is my advice and what you should do

    Elevated Command Prompt
      My Computer

  4. Arc
    Posts : 35,373
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    richc46 said:
    Several member had the same problem

    Go to search by the start menu

    type cmd

    As soon as cmd pops up, do not hit enter. right click and run as adminitraor.

    If done properly you will have the cmd. Try and report back
    Nothing new! the command prompt as C:\usere\username_
    Opening Command Prompt is not a problem at all :)
    richc46 said:
    This is my advice and what you should do

    Elevated Command Prompt
    The three ORs fail for me, as I told earlier. Now I am trying for the Elevated Command Prompt Shortcut. Actually were the shortcut will be placed ? On desktop? Making you know what happens within a few minutes.
      My Computer

  5. Arc
    Posts : 35,373
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Solved, But is it a real solution ?

    Hi richc46!
    As i extracted the zip, I got the shortcut, a ready-made elevated command prompt !

    I can have all my necessary works done by it. But I question still haunts me. Why I am unable to open my own elevated command prompt ? Whats wrong with it or with me ?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 17,796
    Windows 10, Home Clean Install

    HI Arc

    I truly think that you are doing something wrong, but I do not know what.. Not being there, I do not know what it is. Many people when they type cmd in search they hit enter, rather than run as administrator, but you indicate that is not the problem. As long as you can get it to work that is all that matters.

    There is the possiblity that there is some corruption in the system that does not allow you to perform that function. Try this

    In the elevated command prompt type sfc /scannow and see if it finds any errors.
      My Computer

  7. Arc
    Posts : 35,373
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    richc46 said:
    HI Arc

    I truly think that you are doing something wrong, but I do not know what.. Not being there, I do not know what it is. Many people when they type cmd in search they hit enter, rather than run as administrator, but you indicate that is not the problem. As long as you can get it to work that is all that matters.

    There is the possiblity that there is some corruption in the system that does not allow you to perform that function. Try this

    In the elevated command prompt type sfc /scannow and see if it finds any errors.
    I am not hitting enter, I am hitting enter with control and shift pressed, what should open the cmd as admin, isnt it?

    Yes, there is a possibility, and to scan for that, I am to open an elevated command prompt. Just imagine that the readymade solution is not there
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 17,796
    Windows 10, Home Clean Install

    Try it this way. Forget everything that you know about the CMD prompt. Go to my first post and start from scratch. Then if that does not work, and you did it all correctly, I suspect corruption.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 109
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit

    You should be able to right click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator.
      My Computer

  10. Arc
    Posts : 35,373
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    richc46 said:
    Try it this way. Forget everything that you know about the CMD prompt. Go to my first post and start from scratch. Then if that does not work, and you did it all correctly, I suspect corruption.
    Followed blindfolded. The result is C:\users\username_
      My Computer

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