1. Posts : 14
    Windows 7 x64, Build 7000


    I have read several times about Win 7 requiring about 400 MB RAM. I am still fiddling here (Win 7 has only been alive for a few hours), but I am using about 1,200 MB. Same as Vista.

    I have not tweaked anything yet, and the Vista number was after I had turned off a lot of stuff, but still, I don't think I can get to 400 MB.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,141
    Vista Ult 64 bit Seven Ult RTM x64

    I'm using about 1 GB of ram at the moment. I haven't turned anything off. I also don't have all of my programs installed, but I have the ones I use most. I don't know how much of that might be from pre-fetcher. But I'm sure it is not all for just the OS.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 14
    Windows Vista x64

    Well, I was able to get Windows 7 to boot with 128MB of RAM in a virtual machine. It runs slow as hell, but it runs.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,899
    Windows 7 Ult x64(x2), HomePrem x32(x4), Server 08 (+VM), 08 R2 (VM) , SuSe 11.2 (VM), XP 32 (VM)

    it all depends on how much ram you have and...
    as you have the computer superfetch enabled
    as you have more ram the os will allocate more for itself
    it usually goes around half of memory you have until 3g...
    as for garygolds q'
    it usually grows over time
    Explore the features: SuperFetch
    and here
    Understand how SuperFetch uses RAM to enhance system performance, from Greg Shultz - White Papers, Webcasts and Case Studies - ZDNet
    i for myself uses 1.5 (commit history) (1.29 phyical mem) at bootup which is the almost the same as vista but then again it wants to use the resources available on the pc i for one since i play games it takes a little longer since it has to flush the cache and load the game there
    [OC]ModShop - Just Say No To SuperFetch: Fetch, boy!
    i for my self have disable superfetch but usually this almost absolutely necessary to disable for pc with less than 1gb
    Last edited by darkassain; 27 Nov 2008 at 17:21. Reason: forgot process xp shows Commit history...my bad
      My Computer


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