6956 More Efficient ?
Looking at the WEI on 6956, against 6801;
It appears that the 6956 is better at using the computer spec.
Looking at the WEI on 6956, against 6801;
It appears that the 6956 is better at using the computer spec.
It seems that the CPU score is affected the most from what I have seen, on the WEI score in the 6801 build I had a index score of 6 for the CPU and in the 6956 build it was 6.9 although all other scores remained the same accept for memory which went down.
I think the main reason for the difference in score depends on if it's 32bit or 64bit. I have also tried the 6936 build which is also 64bit and it has the same score as the 6801 build, there may be other factors affecting these scores but I think that would be the main one.
In the other thread under Show us your WEI you will notice that DiamondNRG has a I7 CPU and he has a score of 6.9 using the 64bit 6936 build which is lower than a 6600 CPU Running on the 32bit 6956 build. It would be interesting to see how much better his score would be on a 32bit build for some sort of comparison.
As you can see this is 32bit, its enhaced the CPU, the Ram, incidentally it doesn't show the o/c to 3ghz on the CPU.
The graphics are obviously at the maximum. 7.9
I want to see what someone has to use to get a 7.9 on the hard disk...
Nice to see some verification of the CPU score with my same setup. I'm getting the same 7.2 with an Q6600 o/c 3.0 on 6956 32-bit. That's the best score I've seen. Congrats!
not only that but you can also RAID your hdd's for way better performance...
(you can theoretically double your speed with RAID....(as long as the hardware supports it)
i dont think ssd even with their insane speeds will reach the 7.9 mark.. (as you can see patition size is also a factor)
maybe the intel's x-25 (even more in RAID now that it can hit the 3.0 Gbps mark of SATA II... and 7.9