Hi all ..
I possess a DELL inspiron, which has Win7 Home Basic bundled.
With my Win7 Home Basic everything is ok, except:
1.. IIS is not getting installed properly [ http://localhost ] is throwing error, its asking for any missing handler [ I have ADDed IIS feature from Control Panel many times, though IIS is not UP]
2.. I am facing problem installing SQL server 2005 for this IIS issue.
my Qs: Can I use .Net 2005 & SQL server 2005 in Win7HB, as I do those in Win XP in my office system ?
Provided you install the appropriate service packs, you should not have any problems. When you said .Net 2005, what are you referring to, Visual Studio or .Net Framework or something else?
In regard to issues in installing SQL Server 2005, what sort of errors are you getting when attempting to install it? Additionally, I believe this: Installing IIS 7.5 on Windows 7 Home Premium, Home Basic, or Home Starter, may be a helpful article to you.
sorry ... I meant Visual Studio.Net 2005.
also, I have tried steps [ defined in the provided link] twice / thrice .. with no result.
[ I just want to be sure that Win7 Home Basic supports .Net IDE 2005 & SQl 2005, so that I can carry out .Net Web Projects with sql2005 as backend as I do in winXP ]
As far as I know, it should. I haven't specifically tested with Home Basic but it should work. Is this 32 or 64-bit?
64 Bit.
shall i contact microsoft chat? what u suggest ? if yes .. do u have any authentic microsoft chat url who deals/support with Win7 OS versions?
If you're going to go that route, I would just suggest going to the Microsoft Support site for your country and looking up the contact information for their support. As far as your installation dilemma, I am curious as to what errors you're receiving exactly when attempting to install. Additionally, with IIS, have you tried running an elevated (as administrator) command prompt and using the command "sfc /scannow"?
Not yet
.. ok, will check that today after my office time and will let you know tomorrow :)