my HP advisor plus my run command has stopped working

  1. Posts : 2
    64 bit windows 7

    my HP advisor plus my run command has stopped working

    hi, i'm not a computer guru. just wanted to say that first. i have an HP g72 17.3 inch, has a 3 gig ram and 320 HD. i have microsoft security essentials installed. just today i went to run my HP advisor, and it says it has stopped working. i then went to run my recovery manager. i also tried to access my "run" command and it wont do anything. says it can't find the path, or i may not have permission to do this.
    i am totally lost. any help dumb person terms would help..
    thanks for the help
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 28,845
    Win 8 Release candidate 8400

    ijbates said:
    hi, i'm not a computer guru. just wanted to say that first. i have an HP g72 17.3 inch, has a 3 gig ram and 320 HD. i have microsoft security essentials installed. just today i went to run my HP advisor, and it says it has stopped working. i then went to run my recovery manager. i also tried to access my "run" command and it wont do anything. says it can't find the path, or i may not have permission to do this.
    i am totally lost. any help dumb person terms would help..
    thanks for the help
    There are many things it can be. First HP bloatware has a tendency to break. If you have a restore dvd you can put the machine back to the condition it was when the machine left the factory.

    Use that as a last resort as any changes you have made since then will be gone.

    Please go into event viewer and tell us what critical errors are there.

    There are several ways to find what the problem is. The best is to go into event viewer (type eventvwr in search). Go to the windows log>application tab.

    You want to look for critical errors (they have red in the left column ).

    When you find them you want to look for critical errors that say app hang, app crash, or anything that relates to the problem.

    When you find them please note the event ID, and the source codes and tell us what they are.

    Let us know if you need help with any of this.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    64 bit windows 7
    Thread Starter

    okay. i didn't find any critical errors. i did a restore and that seems to help. luckily i didn't have anything to loose. thanks for all of the help so day i will take some computer class so i know what i'm doing.
      My Computer


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