Recovering A User Account

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  1. Posts : 10
    Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit
    Thread Starter

    I initially did a deep scan and got heaps and heaps of rubbish and repeats. I think the normal scan has picked up most of her current folders of photos.
    I have now scanned for documents and emails.
    She doesn't think she had any documents and the scan reflects that.
    However when scanning for emails I found (and saved) "Thunderbird emails. zip".

    Today I and going to try to put all the recovered photos back onto her computer, and figure out if I need the email zip file.
    I noticed when I gave her a new account with the same name, she had the last month or so of emails in her in box.

    Just wish I hadn't installed Open Office before I realised the problem I had created.
    Thanks again.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,618
    W7x64 Pro, SuSe 12.1/** W7 x64 Pro, XP MCE

    I haven't bothered to read this thread in detail, so it may have already been covered, but I'm wondering if there is an appropriate restore point, or backup image to use?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 10
    Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit
    Thread Starter

    seekermeister said:
    I haven't bothered to read this thread in detail, so it may have already been covered, but I'm wondering if there is an appropriate restore point, or backup image to use?
    I tried Restore. It undid all the other things I had done, but did not undo my deletion of a User account.
      My Computer

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