Windows 7 writing issues - Cannot install programs

  1. Posts : 489
    Windows 7 Professional (x64/SP1) /Linux Mint 16

    Windows 7 writing issues - Cannot install programs

    I recently tried to install 'pfport checker' and it failed on multiple attempts, then I installed it on an external HDD and it worked successfully. The error was something along the lines of 'disk writing error, please retry'. I thought it was just the software but after trying to install some other software it comes up with errors. On a previous Windows installation it worked. I assume it is a disk writing error.

    Error: 'Can't write. C:\Windows\syswow64\drivers\anyDVD.sys.tmp'

    That is an example of the issue.

    Any ideas? Thanks
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 86
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit

    Did you try to install as Administrator? Since you write to Windows directory I don't think normal Windows account can do that.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 489
    Windows 7 Professional (x64/SP1) /Linux Mint 16
    Thread Starter

    blackzero said:
    Did you try to install as Administrator? Since you write to Windows directory I don't think normal Windows account can do that.
    Yes, I can't start the installation without saying yes to UAC.

    When you install I am sure it copies files to the HDD and Windows has protection issues. I am installing as administrator using the installer program provided.
      My Computer


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