Lan network chat program?

  1. Posts : 617
    Windows 7 64Bit Ultimate Edition SP1

    Lan network chat program?

    Is there any decent Lan Chats available?

    I am asking as i have my own Lan, my girlfriend sits in her room with the laptop when she is wanting time on her own and i remain in the lving room doing my usual lol.

    I would love to put a chat program on my pc and her laptop, so we can easily chat with one another.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,618
    Win7 Home Premium x64 W10Pro&Home
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 617
    Windows 7 64Bit Ultimate Edition SP1
    Thread Starter

    Cheers m8, using Borgchat now. Works gr8. Could not give you rep as i i have already given.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,545
    Windows 10 Pro x64 EN-GB

    rmw020 said:
    Is there any decent Lan Chats available?

    I am asking as i have my own Lan, my girlfriend sits in her room with the laptop when she is wanting time on her own and i remain in the lving room doing my usual lol.

    I would love to put a chat program on my pc and her laptop, so we can easily chat with one another.
    Please do not take this wrong but I find this very sad It's like today's teenagers, sitting in a coffee shop around same table, texting each other.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 617
    Windows 7 64Bit Ultimate Edition SP1
    Thread Starter

    Kari said:
    rmw020 said:
    Is there any decent Lan Chats available?

    I am asking as i have my own Lan, my girlfriend sits in her room with the laptop when she is wanting time on her own and i remain in the lving room doing my usual lol.

    I would love to put a chat program on my pc and her laptop, so we can easily chat with one another.
    Please do not take this wrong but I find this very sad It's like today's teenagers, sitting in a coffee shop around same table, texting each other.

    HA ha
      My Computer


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