So many Visual C++ Redist can I unistall some?

  1. Posts : 94
    Windows 7 64 bit

    So many Visual C++ Redist can I unistall some?

    Hi, in my uninstall programs, I have so many versions of Visual C++ Redistributables from installing so many games and programs. Do I need all the different versions for the respective programs or can I just use the latest one?
      My Computer

  2. ie9
    Posts : 736
    Windows 7 Ultimate (SP1)

    I'm assuming those games/programs need the redistributable for a reason. I personally wouldn't touch it
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 66
    windows seven

    Agreed, each one represents some Visual C program that has been installed. Uninstalling one would uninstall the associated app.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 94
    Windows 7 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    *sigh* ok thanks how do I kill this thread?
      My Computer

  5. ie9
    Posts : 736
    Windows 7 Ultimate (SP1)

    zijincheng said:
    *sigh* ok thanks how do I kill this thread?
    It'll die on it's own
      My Computer


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