the nag message appears only once.
close / reopen itunes again and it wont complain.
the nag message appears only once.
close / reopen itunes again and it wont complain.
Hi happyman...I actually discovered today that I hadn't permanently disabled it like I thought. It was stopped, but last night I did my occasional full shutdown instead of just using sleep mode, and sure enough, as someone in another forum had suggested might happen, Bonjour had resumed. They had a suggestion on how to stop it for good, but it looked to me like something that maybe was above my proverbial pay grade, and that might result in me screwing up my system, so I decided to leave it alone, at least for now.
And yes, I did see the "nag message". I didn't do any benchmarking, but everything seems to be running normally. So we'll see what happens....thanks for sharing your experiences!
I've been using iTunes under both Vista 32 & 64-bit as well as Windows 7 64-bit (used it in XP as well) and haven't had any issues. In fact it is the only audio player I use.
I also never disabled Bonjour in all my times with iTunes. Never gave me an issue so I never thought about it. LOL I don't even know what it does, I just hear people say disable it
Anyway I use it with my 4th gen Classic Ipod.
Hi noobvious - After "Packet" pointed out that the "Nag Message" would only appear once I disabled Bonjour again (one less unnecessary service running). All I did to stop it was to run "msconfig" and uncheck the Bonjour service (under the services tag) and click "apply". Then I did a complete shutdown and restarted and sure enough, no "No Nag Message", and Bonjour did not restart on it's own - so I'm just going to leave off. :):):) Good luck there !!!
And the saga continues! I just went in and unchecked it and clicked apply, and once I finish looking at my subscribed threads, I will try the shutdown & restart and see if the same happens for me.
Asides from all of this, I am enjoying the new Touch. I broke the news to a buddy by sending him an email with it.....he immediately wrote back, "Why does it say 'Sent by my iPod'?"
Hi noobvious - mine says "sent from my Iphone" - you can change that signature string to whatever you want (ha, ha) in the SETTINGS > MAIL > SIGNATURE setting.
Good Luck :):):)