Skype not working in windows 7 x64 build 7000

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  1. Posts : 4,364
    Windows 11 21H2 Current build

    Does your camera have special software to make it work as a webcam? Does it work in any other IM client?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6
    windows XP, windows 7, kubuntu linux

    it came with the quickcam software, but it says its incompatible when i try installing it.
    i just tried it with AIM 6 and it says my camera is being used by another application, but i have nothing else running that would use it
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4,364
    Windows 11 21H2 Current build

    It's the quickcam itself causing this problem - in that your quickcam drivers are probably not working 100% with Windows 7.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6
    windows XP, windows 7, kubuntu linux

    are there any new compatible drivers for quick cam out? I've looked around and havent found any
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4,364
    Windows 11 21H2 Current build

    I honestly would not know - I stopped using my QC ES a *long* time ago - when it would not play nicely in Vista, which I started beta testing (officially) about 3 years ago....
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 RC

    Skype Stuck At Login on Windows 7 64 Bit

    Hi all,

    Has everyone know got Skype working happily with Windows 7 64 Bit?

    I installed Skype on a 64 Bit machine today and its stuck at the login screen. I've seen various references to the Skype Beta being a fix for Windows 7 problems but the posts were very old and when I visit the Skype website, I am told there are currently no betas available - anyone have any ideas?


      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1
    Win 7 Ultimate 64bit

    I was having an issue with my webcam after I installed Win7 Ult. 64bit. The webcam works, but the picture of both myself and the person I was speaking to was almost pitch black, with very faint outlines of each of us. Run Skype in Vista SP2 compatibility mode and all is well.

    Previous post stated compatibility mode was only pre SP1, but not the case any longer.

    Hope this helps.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1
    windows 7

    Also havin problems

    So I downloaded skype as it was already on my computer and it setup fine, but once I try to connect it won't connect at all. I've turned off all firewalls and turned off any antivirus on my computer. And it still wont connect I even tried to DL skype 4.1 but it won't let me download it because it says it cant connect to the server. Can anyone help me. I have an HP and it has the brand new windows 7 on it. And I'm frustrated with this.
      My Computer

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