which antivirus do you use? I use 64-bit nod 32 V4
add more details of the problem: when the problem occurs, there are many programs that are suspended at the start, corel, chrome, outlook, word, etc, this does not happen with internet explorer 32 bits, it opens without problems when the problem is affecting pc.
and i live with the problem, because every time I boot the OS checks if the program chrome works fine, and 1 of every 3 times I have to reboot the pc.
once the system starts working fine, the problem never appear until the system is shut down, normaly at the next day. i dont remember that the problem appears resetting pc, always occur at the next day. i heard that the SO automatically suspends task when system is overloaded. maybe is a bug of system.
I've used many antivirus programs to find any virus including
Trend Micro Online Scanner
All came clean. No virus.
All I simply did was boot into safe mode, load a browser, close it and reopened. Tried other programs as well.
All opened without any application suspension, and my system has been working ever since.
Been shutting down as well - no problems. No hangs, nothing.
pat . i dont know why you are posting thing that are not usefull for people that have this problem. evidently this problem is not normal, only exist this forum and another for talking on this problem. i like this SO , thats why i try to fix this issue, you dont have to defend this SO.
is obvius people who post here is sure that is not have virus, just wondering what antivirus people are using for reference. maybe this problem was caused by NOD antivirus.
Not useful? How is it not useful?
I thought I clearly explained my going into Safe Mode, opened a few apps, and somewhere between doing this and booting normally made everything work again. I presume doing this might have reset some setting(s) into a working state as both SFC /scannow and many antiviruses found nothing.
Of course, I know it might not work for everyone. I am fully aware of this. It might work, it might not.
I have no idea WHY it happened. It might be a virus, but again, I didn't find that WLX.exe file on my system as Jacee seems to want everyone to believe. I referred to Norton, Trend and AVG to prove to myself and any others it's not related to a virus. Even jimcarmichael said Kapersky found nothing.
For all I know, it might even be related to this odd song that suddenly plays on my system without warning. It's not from the Net - I've unplugged the modem to check - so it's obviously something local on my comp.
If anyone else could possibly boot into safe mode, and it works after rebooting back into normal mode, could it not be considered a quick-but-possibly-temporary solution? I simply want to verify if this solution is possible so the comp can again be used normally.
I consider my solution strictly as a theory, of course. I "solved" it on my comp, and if anyone else is willing to test it out, then that would be great. If it doesn't work, then it's back to square one, right?
sorry pat did not understand what you wrote. remember, i learned english by playing video games.
my temporary solution was restarted windows, and some how everything works fine.
sometime your problem is solved by resetting the machine? or always have to do the procedure that you say.
Mine eventually stopped having the problem.
I've no idea what changed, it just spontaneously resolved.
As I said before this started after a virtual machine installation.
Good luck finding a solution...
Try doing an SFC /SCANNOW.
SFC /SCANNOW Command - System File Checker
If that does not solve your problem(s), could you please open Event Viewer, save a log of the Application and System log and attach it please.
I still have the problem, I found a temporal solution
First solution: boot the pc without a in ternet connection (turn off the router, sign off the network cable), and after the complete boot (and some minutes more) make the internet connection.
second solution: leave the windows login screen a few minutes, do not enter immediately.
note: some programs like Internet Explorer does not show the error when starts. I taste with google chrome, or any Microsoft Office program, they starts as suspended . when this problem is not solved ends with crashes of windows.
Last edited by cesarpenco; 11 Jul 2011 at 09:25.