Software to show if the volume is going up/down automatically?

  1. Posts : 513
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    Software to show if the volume is going up/down automatically?

    Is there any software to show (on screen, in the middle bottom or right bottom for example) if the volume is changing, and maybe also could show the number in the tray between 0-100, whatever the volume is?

    Is there any mute command in Windows that I can use to create a dll for Logitech G930 Wireless Headset?
    (I don't know why, this wireless headset has no mute button. Why do you think they didn't put that button? Can there be a technical reason, or is it just not to change the design or something?)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,105
    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1

    Hi IMAyNeed :)

    3RVX (freeware) is quite good :)

    3RVX: Skinnable Beautiful Volume Indicator For Windows 7
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 513
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Thank you so much!
      My Computer


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