MSN Explorer Premium & Windows 7?

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  1. Posts : 2

    Tried everything, still won't work.

    I have 64 bit of Windows 7 and did what you said. But my problem is when I go to install verizon with MSN premium, is that the error says that i don't meet the minimum requirements for the operating system. Im I doing this wrong, like wrong place i'm downloading this from? Please, please help me with this!!!!!!!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 21
    Windows 7

    I got the correct info by calling my ISP. Once I explained the problem they connected me with MSN tech support.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 89
    Win7 Pro x64

    Resurrecting this old thread since it helped me out and I thought bringing it to the forefront might help out others in the same situation.

    New to Win7, just installed it on my new rig 1.5 weeks ago. Tried several times this weekend to install MSN Premium through Verizon and it just would not take (kept hanging after downloading the file). Called up Verizon and after 15 mins on hold was told that an engineer would have to call me back since they did not have a solution. Told them that it is really not acceptable to not have a solution since Win7 is now over 5 months old. I could hear the guy shrugging over the phone. (BTW, I have yet to hear back from Verizon.)

    After doing many searches through Google for a file to install, I finally typed in a better search string and wound up, of all places, back here. (Duh! Why I didn't check here in the first place I have not a clue.) I used the link that FrankZ posted above, but when I clicked on the "Install Now" button, it kept taking me back to the Verizon "Betterway" site, which is where I kept running into problems. So, I used my work laptop which I have never tried to install MSN Premium on and saw that the Install Now button actually reads:

    when you have not tried to install via Verizon's site before. I typed that link directly into my new rig's browser and it launched a download box for the msnsusii.exe file (~8MB). Opening this file started the MSN Premium Installation Wizard. First thing it asks for is the e-mail address and password. Once entering that, the window changed and I saw that it added the Verizon branding to the window, so it made the appropriate connections. I was then able to make limited selections (I was only able to add Microsoft Digital Image Suite Std Ed, which I did since I currently have no other photo mgmt software), and was told it would take 69 mins to download (~250MB). It has now been 15 mins (I started typing this as it was zipping along) and it has finished. Rebooting.

    :cross fingers:

    OK, butterfly on the desktop. Opened it, and greeted by the familiar "Welcome" MSN Login Window with both mine and my wife's accounts listed. Logged in... DRAT! Needs MSN Messenger to proceed. Have to install manually. This is a little frustrating since Messenger was one of the non-selectable options in the Installation Wizard. So, I went to the site that it instructed and proceeded to install (removed most progs except photo gallery, movie maker, and Silverlight). ~115MB to download. Halfway there.

    So far so good, just a lot more work than anticipated. At least it is getting done.

    I had read on another site (one that AdamsAppleOne also posted his fix on) where most ppl recommended ditching MSN Premium since it will soon no longer be supported. Honestly, I would, except this is the only way I know to send photo e-mails to friends and family where the message only includes the thumbnails and links to a server to download the large files within 30 days at their leisure rather than overflowing their inbox with 50 pics of my son and the cat. Plus, I have been able to send over 30GB of photos in one e-mail without my side or their side having a fit. I used to use Yahoo! PhotoMail about 4 or so years ago, but they s-canned that plugin and never brought it back. I actually preferred the Yahoo! method since they allowed for text to be typed between thumbnails and not just before and after.

    If anyone happens to know of another mail provider that allows for sending photos in this fashion, I'm all ears!

    OK, login attempt #2... and we're in! Greeted by "Congratulations - You're Now Online With Verizon!" Humph! Like they deserve any credit... I did all the frakkin' work!

    So it looks like we are up anda runnin'! It's really too bad that Verizon hasn't got their installer issue figured out, esp. you all have known about this fix for almost 4 months. Bah! Maybe I will call them to let them know what's up. Maybe.

    Anyway, big thanks again to you guys and this site for helping me out with 7. I only wish I could give you guys cred for it, but apparently this thread is too old for it. If you revisit this thread or I see you around, I will dole it out accordingly.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    Windows 7

    This sounds promising...I've been unable to send email using MSN premium since I upgraded my new computer from Vista to Windows 7 (upgrade came with the computer upon release).

    I have MSN Premium through Verizon, which sounds similar to the "Quest" scenario?

    FrankZ: did you have to "uninstall" MSN Premium before "installing" it?

    VSP: Are you actually able to send email without going to My MSN?

    I'd hate to uninstall and be worse than before...
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2

    Found the Solution

    Ordering the MSN Premium CD from your ISP is the best way to solve this problem. I did it for both of my computers and worked flawlessly. No problems at all with this installation, I don't know why I did not think of this earlier. Let me know if anyone else has tried this method.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 89
    Win7 Pro x64

    John D said:
    This sounds promising...I've been unable to send email using MSN premium since I upgraded my new computer from Vista to Windows 7 (upgrade came with the computer upon release).

    I have MSN Premium through Verizon, which sounds similar to the "Quest" scenario?

    FrankZ: did you have to "uninstall" MSN Premium before "installing" it?

    VSP: Are you actually able to send email without going to My MSN?

    I'd hate to uninstall and be worse than before...
    John D,

    Did you install MSN before upgrading from Vista to Win7, or after?

    I have not tried to send e-mail from my MSN account other than through MSN Premium. (Occasionally I check the account through the Windows Live portal when I am at work, but that does not have any bearing on this issue.) The whole reason I am using MSN Premium is to use their Send Photos feature which only sends thumbnails and stores the photos on their server for 30 days. This is only available when using the MSN Premium software. If Yahoo! still offered their service which did the same thing, than I more that likely would not be using MSN at all. (After all, the version of Internet Explorer which is integrated into MSN is IE7, not IE8, so I now have three versions of IE loaded on my computer. )

    If you did install MSN prior to installing Win7 and you did an in-place install, I would recommend uninstalling MSN and then using the link above to download directly from MSN and reinstall. Unless anybody else knows better, I see no reason why this wouldn't work.

    Hope this helps!

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1
    windows 7 Home Premium x64

    MSN Premium and Windows 7

    I upgraded to Windows 7 from Vista. I don't like Windows Live Mail so installed MSN Premium. No problem. I would uninstall MSN completely and then re-install it. You may have to re-install Windows 7 and then re-install MSN if that doesn't work.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64


    Right now it's taking an outrageous amount of time to create the account O.o but my mom doesn't under stand comps ha ha she thinks that your favorites will transfer over from an old computer and i told her they wont so she thinks she'd lose all her emails
      My Computer

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