Sleep/Hibernation Problem

  1. Posts : 2
    Win 7 x64 7601

    Sleep/Hibernation Problem

    I have installed a new version of win 7 and my PC is not sleeping/hibernating more than a few seconds before waking up again.
    I have to change the BIOS settings for the keyboard & mouse, I have unplugged them immediately after putting my pc to sleep and it still wakes up.
    What can I do?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,800
    Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1

    IDontHack said:
    I have installed a new version of win 7 and my PC is not sleeping/hibernating more than a few seconds before waking up again.
    I have to change the BIOS settings for the keyboard & mouse, I have unplugged them immediately after putting my pc to sleep and it still wakes up.
    What can I do?
    Welcome idonthack to the windows 7 forum.,

    You might check to see if your ethernet card is set to wake on lan. in the devices, properties of your ethernet adapter, either wireless or wired. One could be set to wake on lan activity and most lans do a lot of activity.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Win 7 x64 7601
    Thread Starter

    Well that was the problem.
    I set the pc to wake on lan only for "magic pack" or something like that because I use my phone to wake up and enter the pc.
      My Computer


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