Problem removing the older Java program

  1. Posts : 54
    32bit Windows 7 Ultimate

    Problem removing the older Java program

    Just downloaded the latest Java Version 7, no problems.
    However, when l tried to get rid of my older version, Java(tm) version 6 Update 32, it says that the installer is missing a dll (no name mentioned) and cannot continue.
    Did this via the add/remove programs in control panel, and also Revo Uninstaller,
    but the same message appears.
    Then tried downloading Java 6_32 again in case that was somehow corrupt, but it wouldn't install because of this un-named missing dll!
    I suppose l could just delete the directory concerned but surely that would leave remnants behind as opposed to a clean uninstall.
    Any ideas of how to remove this?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,302
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    Hello willythecat

    Have a look at this program, its what I use to remove and update Java - JavaRa | SingularLabs

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 54
    32bit Windows 7 Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    Thanks Danny, knew about this one.
    Having looked a bit more closely, Java 6 is showing up in my control program (add/remove programs), but when l do a list of the files in the program directory, there it isn't! (just the directory entry for Java 7).
    It hasn't caused a problem, but the add/remove programs list says it is using 95mb.
    Apart from a clean install which will cause me more problems than not, just wondering whether anyone else has got any suggestions?
    Thanks again.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,302
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    Sorry to hear this isn't fixed

    If you have Ccleaner installed try removing it with that. It has an option under tools for uninstalling. Another option if you think its just an error in the list and has been removed is this - How to hide an entry in the Add/Remove Programs applet?

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 138
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Have you tried Rivo Uninstaller.
    It is meant to do this job. Install is and see if Java is there
    then if normal uninstall dint work it have force msi uninstall.
    Try it.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 54
    32bit Windows 7 Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    Ok everyone, problem fixed (l think?).
    Thanks for the link Danny re going into regedit.
    A bit daunting for me, but one of the entry keys was for Java 6(tm) Update 32.
    Deleted this and bingo, it has gone! Went ,into control panel, add/remove programs and it is no longer there.
    Thanks very much.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,302
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    willythecat said:
    Ok everyone, problem fixed (l think?).
    Thanks for the link Danny re going into regedit.
    A bit daunting for me, but one of the entry keys was for Java 6(tm) Update 32.
    Deleted this and bingo, it has gone! Went ,into control panel, add/remove programs and it is no longer there.
    Thanks very much.
    Glad to hear you got it sorted
      My Computer


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