Unable to install Java after multiple fixes

  1. Posts : 20
    Windows 7 Ultimate x86 SP1

    Unable to install Java after multiple fixes

    I'm using Win 7 Ultimate 32bit on an HP Pavillion laptop
    CPU Intel Core 2 Duo T6600
    2.2 ghz, Ram 4 gigs

    For many months I've been trying to install Java's latest update. been attempting it for so long I think Java has updated twice during this time. Sometimes it worked for a few weeks or a month then I'd get a message telling me I need to update my version. So off I go....back to Java - ran the test - sure enough it would say I needed to update or I had no Java at all. Right now the latest version is jre1.7.0_09-windowsi586.exe. I got it directly from the JAVA site.

    I've tried many fixes. From my OS troubleshooter to the MS Fixit tool at the fixit center and other tools in between. All of them say they have fixed the problem. I've spent hours reading about Java issues, fixes, etc at various sites discussing why - this happens. Its conflicting views.

    I do recall installing different versions of Java in the past because the site advised me to for reasons I can't remember now..... I think it was the JRE 2 - that had a browser plugin which had a fix for a later version of Java.

    In the last several months I periodically - dl and installed the latest version but each time I tested it - it would say it was NOT installed so I'd do it again after checking BOTH the destination folder (empty) and the control panel to see if it was in there and it wasn't so I tried again with same result. I never tried to uninstall earlier versions because I thought there was a reason they didn't uninstall completely like sometimes its necessary to keep older versions. When version 7 came out I noticed instructions said to get rid of them. Except at that point they would not uninstall. I got the same message whether I was trying to install or uninstall:

    "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable"
    "try an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'jre1.7.0_04-c.msi"

    The problem with that is this installer package doesn't exist. If you dl the installer as a stand alone package at the Java site it's name is 'jre-7u9-windows-i586-iftw.msi.

    The one that the message says to use cannot be found anywhere on the site which leads me to believe something isn't right on my end - yet I can't figure out what that is. .

    I found these instructions on Microsoft Answers:
    Uninstall all versions of Java from Programs and Features
    After you have removed all versions of Java, please check for these folders and manaully remove (right-click and select delete):

    C:\Windows\Java (If there)
    C:\Program Files\Java
    and delete the following (if there):


    Now delete the following Registry keys:

    and this came from a link at Java.com:
    Navigate to the following registry node:

    Under this Uninstall node, you will find many registry entry names enclosed in curly braces. e.g. {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83216013FB} Click on each registry entries in the left pane and that will display its associated data on right pane of Registry Editor.

    or Click on Edit->Find tab in Registry Editor window and then enter Java version that you want to find Keys for

    Delete the registry entry found for Java, by right clicking on the registry key name, and selecting Delete. Click Yes on the Confirm Key Delete message box. After you finish above steps, go back to the Windows Control Panel to see if the icon is still there. If it isn't then proceed to install Java

    I did all this but first exported a copy of the registry file, plus multiple system restore points along the way. I had to delete everything manually as the programs and features wouldn't work. I found even more java files in c\users, c\program data, c\app data, etc. I manually deleted those too.

    I found a lot more in the registry but I only deleted the ones that were
    in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER folders. after that
    I could no longer see the Java icon in the CP nor any Java versions in the programs and features. then I dl and installed the current Java and it worked! Yay!

    Unfortunately that was short lived as I had to do a system restore a few days later to before I started the manual Java delete due to another issue that was causing non stop events to occur every second in the event viewer.

    I went through the whole process again but this time Java would not install. I got the same message as before.

    my pc has other multiple problems with events that I've been fixing here and there only to have new ones pop up or the ones I fixed come back. These started in March when I got it back from a repair shop. I will be posting the details of that on another thread for a different problem.

    In the meantime any help for this Java issue will be greatly appreciated. Should I go back into registry and delete those other Java plugins and scripts? They were in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 10,994
    Win 7 Pro 64-bit

    Hello pippin and welcome to Seven Forums.

    Give JavaRa a try. It has always been an effective tool to remove all remnants of Java.

    JavaRa | SingularLabs

    After using JavaRa, run a system file checker scan. This will check for any damaged or corrupt system files that might be preventing a clean install of the latest version of Java. Run the scan from an elevated command prompt (option two.) If any problems are found, run the scan 3 times and reboot the computer after each scan.

    SFC /SCANNOW Command - System File Checker

    Please post back if this helped or not.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 20
    Windows 7 Ultimate x86 SP1
    Thread Starter

    Hi Marsimimar

    I haven't tried tried this yet. Soon after I posted here I had to deal with router issues and now that I'm back online I'm trying to catch up my email so I promise when I get a chance I will try this and get back to you. thanks for your patience.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 10,994
    Win 7 Pro 64-bit

    pippin said:
    Hi Marsimimar

    I haven't tried tried this yet. Soon after I posted here I had to deal with router issues and now that I'm back online I'm trying to catch up my email so I promise when I get a chance I will try this and get back to you. thanks for your patience.

    Sounds like you've got quite a few issues to deal with. I'm concerned about the registry changes that have been made. So here's one more thing for your consideration ... Repair Install. A repair install will attempt to fix your currently installed Windows 7 operating system and registry while trying to preserve your user accounts, data, programs, system drivers, etc. If successful all you'd have to do is reinstall Windows Updates. A typical repair install takes about an hour with about the same time needed for updates. You will need a full install disk for your version of Windows 7 but there's a link to download a free and legal copy in Step 4. It's an ISO file that would be downloaded to desktop and then you'd burn it to a DVD. You'll also need your Product Key for re-activation with Microsoft.

    Repair Install
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 20
    Windows 7 Ultimate x86 SP1
    Thread Starter

    Hi Marsmimar,

    You know I've thought a lot about doing a reinstall but I've never done it so I'm reluctant. Besides I don't have a Windows 7 Disc. My laptop came fully loaded with Windows 7 Home.
    Its funny that you mentioned that link because I already had found it on my own just looking around here a few months ago. I downloaded it and I have it on my pc but I haven't burned it to a disc yet because I haven't had time to read the instructions and do it. Plus I don't know how to find the product key on the OS or if I even have one - I explain in a minute.

    First I have to give you some history. I've always had problems with this pc since the day I got it. I think its because HP didn't do the settings correctly. Its an HP Pavillion Laptop with an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU, 2.2ghz 4gigs of RAM. The Graphics Card is crap for lack of a better word.....also made by Intel called GMA for Mobile - never heard of it and I am a major fan of AMD CPU's and Graphic Cards. Anyway I spent over 2 years researching the events in my event viewer which were many critical errors from day one. But it taught me that some were just Microsoft issues that had gone unfixed by Microsoft.

    Also HP's fault. When I first got this - it was intended as a back up machine. Then my pc broke so I had to start using it all the time because I couldn't afford to get my tower fixed which had a quad core, 8 gigs of RAM and XP and I loved XP. So I had to get used to Windows 7. Then last Feb. I got a trojan and did the usual, ran my AV then rechecked the file to make sure it was gone and of course it wasn't so I attempted to remove it manually - as soon as I tried to delete it I got the BSOD. No matter what I tried after that safe mode, etc.... after about 1 minute the BSOD would come up. So I took it in to a shop and the guy that fixed it said he had to wipe it. I had asked him to save specific files when he did the re-install but he missed a lot of the ones I needed him to save.

    He installed Win 7 Ultimate though which made a huge difference in how I felt about Windows 7. Now, I like it. However, the guy did a lot more worse than he did good because he changed it from at 64bit to a 32bit, renamed my computer, renamed my user name and spelled it wrong. I don't know what he did with my administrative permissions because even though I'm the administrator I still don't have permission to do certain things like change things in my Firewall.

    Anyway, as soon as I found out it was a 32bit I called him asked him why he did that. He said "nobody uses 64bit anymore". I said what are you talking about 64bit is newer than 32bit. we went round and round. He offered to change it again but at that point I didnt trust him because of all the other things he took it upon himself to change without my permission let alone my knowledge. I was mad because my other non-window programs are all 64bit. I was able to install them and they function but not every tool works in my Photoshop and everything moves slower. Plus he didn't save my custom brushes, my special gradients that I mixed and saved, symbols, textures, etc. and I had a lot that I created from different sites. I will never get those back because I don't remember where I got them from. The gradients I can remake but its taking a long time because as I said I had a lot plus some were made from colors I got from kulu.

    Then after a few months I noticed my updates were not installing. Turns out there were a lot more than I realized - failure after failure to install. Again it took me 2 months to find the fixes for all of them. (I don't have time to work on it all at once and they each required different fixes) Some were for IE9, some were for Silverlight, a few were for .NET Framework, etc... there were a lot. It turns out he didn't reinstall any of the Windows Installers.....the list goes on. That's why I'm having so many problems with installing and uninstalling programs but I finally got the Java fixed as best I could. Its now back and I did wind up put some of the registry deletes back in (I made copies of the registry files before I deleted them) There are still some issues with links not working sometimes. I see the words Java script void in the lower left corner of my screen when links don't work so I assume its Java and sometimes these arcade games I play online do wierd things like delays in the screen changes but at least its working and I have solved the issue of my connection issues which had prevented me from seeing your response to my request for help here. well for now anyway....turns out the router my roomate has is very old so I changed some settings on it and its working again until we get a new one.

    All I have is the recovery disc I made when I first got the pc back from the shop. So its going to have all these same bad settings as it was originally plus the lack of Windows Installers etc. I also just discovered a month ago that I don't have a boot drive in my bios - it was there when I brought it to the shop. I should've noticed it sooner but I've had issue after issue on this laptop plus I'm so busy with 2 jobs plus I just moved a few months ago and I'm still trying to organize & unpack. I'm ready to throw in the towel.....I've got a little money saved now and I'm going to buy a new laptop and get my old tower fixed but first I have to find the time to do that.....I still would like to repair this one. so all I need to know is where can I find the product key? Can you help me with that?

    Thanks and sorry for all the yaking but I thought I should tell you what I'm dealing with - on this machine (and actually you didn't hear even half of it!!)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 10,994
    Win 7 Pro 64-bit

    Hi Joni -

    On most laptops the 25-digit Product Key is usually on a sticker on the bottom of the machine or inside the battery compartment (underneath the battery.) The Product Key is is 5 groups of 5 numbers/letters similar to 123AB-XYZ98-QRSTU-5EFG6-L7M8N.

    Problem: The Poduct Key that came with the laptop from HP is good only for the originally installed operating system which, from what you've said, is Windows 7 Home Premium. When your tech guy installed Ultimate he should have used a different Product Key to activate the Ultimate. Maybe he has a Volume License Key from Microsoft that allows him to install Ultimate on many computers. Or maybe he used a "dodgy" Product Key. If you decide to do a clean install you'll have to go back to Home Premium because that's what the computer's Product Key is tied to (unless your tech guy provided you with a new Product Key specifically for Ultimate.)

    One of the Forum experts prepared a tutorial on how to do a clean install.

    Clean Reinstall - Factory OEM Windows 7

    The very first step explains how to obtain a free, legal copy of your operating system. If you want to go back to the 64-bit version just download and save the ISO to your desktop. Insert a blank DVD into your CD/DVD tray, right click the ISO file, select burn to disk. Pretty straight-forward operation. And Windows 7 should be pretty good about installing all the necessary 64-bit drivers.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 20
    Windows 7 Ultimate x86 SP1
    Thread Starter

    Great thanks for your help with that info. I guess I will find out because I will give him a call about this. I'm thinking he probably has Volume license key because he runs a legitimate shop (at least I think he does). Either way I will find out.

    Also just to let you know (can't remember if I already told you this) I got my Java working again for the most part. Once in a while I'm on a site that I haven't been to or rarely and I can't get it to work but they are so far and few between and so far nothing major - usually a script error.... but at least for the sites I frequent it works. I'm still tempted to use that JavaRa but I'm scared to because of my past experience in making any kind of change always causes more issues on THIS pc. so for now I'm going to let well enough alone as they say.
    thanks again Marsmimar I let you know when I find out about the key.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 10,994
    Win 7 Pro 64-bit

    Thanks for the update, Joni. Glad to hear Java is working (for the most part. :)) A lot of things have been tried over the months to fix your computer including dealing with some malware, going from 64-bit to 32-bit, etc. Some of the fixes that have been tried probably caused other issues. So . . . since your computer seems to be working OK for now, I agree. It might be best to leave well enough alone until such time you decide to give a Repair Install or a Clean Install a try. You'll always find people available here to provide help and support.
      My Computer


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