Best Utility Software/Anti-Virus. Recommendations?

  1. Posts : 34
    Windows 7

    Best Utility Software/Anti-Virus. Recommendations?

    I am looking to purchase software to clean up the registry, make the computer run faster, etc.

    Can anyone recommend a good software package I should buy for this.

    Also, my anti-virus expires soon, any suggestions for that as well?

    Windows 7 - 64 bit
      My Computer

  2. scr
    Posts : 366
    1. Windows 7 Home Premium sp1 - 64bit 2. Windows 7 Pro sp1 - 64bit

    ScottR02919 said:
    I am looking to purchase software to clean up the registry, make the computer run faster, etc.

    Can anyone recommend a good software package I should buy for this.

    Also, my anti-virus expires soon, any suggestions for that as well?

    Windows 7 - 64 bit
    I would leave the registry alone. Doubtful you would see any improvement in speed of your system. Here is a search result of this forum on "Registry cleaners" Windows 7 Forums is the largest help and support community, providing friendly help and advice for Microsoft Windows 7 Computers such as Dell, HP, Acer, Asus or a custom build. - Search Results for Registry cleaners

    As far as AV goes I use ESET | Antivirus, Internet Security Software & Virus Protection, never had a problem and light on system resources. I've been using this for the last 5 years.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 34
    Windows 7
    Thread Starter

    I run CCleaner now, is that sufficient enough.

    Why do I see several "PC World" Recommended utilities on the market that supposedly help your PC run faster and prevent freeze ups, etc.?
      My Computer

  4. scr
    Posts : 366
    1. Windows 7 Home Premium sp1 - 64bit 2. Windows 7 Pro sp1 - 64bit

    Even using CCleaner on the registry there is a possibility of causing a problem unless you really know what you are doing. I found out the hard way. However, CCleaner is the most recommended utility on this site and is highly regarded.

    As far as the recommended utilities on PC World goes they are trying to sell you something so of course they say it will speed up your computer. Read this Optimize Windows 7

    Are you having a problem with your system?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,442
    Windows 7 Professional 64bit

    You'll see later on that these "utilities" do more harm than good.
    I use Microsoft Security Essentials, Windows built in Firewall, CCleaner and Malwarebytes (when needed), and nothing for the registry or to speed up my PC.
    Last edited by HAVOC; 11 Oct 2013 at 04:51.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,486
    Windows 10 Pro

    The programs I use and have used for years on all my computers are:

    Advanced system care
    Avast (anti virus)
    Auslogics registry cleaner
    Smart defrag
    Windows disk defrag
    Windows disk cleaner.

    I would not trust ANY other program to clean the registry. I've had to reinstall windows many times because of other programs. So only use auslogics cleaner, ccleaner's reg cleaner, and advance system care's reg cleaner.

    Make sure you create a restore point before the use of all these programs.

    If you go into "toolbox" in Advanced system csre , there is many other tools you can run there too. All work.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 34
    Windows 7
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for all the input!

    My computer is running fine, my girlfriends seems to be locking up for almost a minute sometimes when in Chrome. Also, for some reason I cannot install Samsung Kies on hers. So it was going to be for hers, on here I use CCleaner now, was getting the BSOD until I replaced the card. Thanks again for the help.
      My Computer


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