Instashield Wizard taking forever...
Ok, I have googled this to death and I can't seem to find the right answer or fix. I pay little attention to it since I don't usually install many apps on my rig except when I want to play a game I have done in a long time.
The Instashield wizard starts and then it just minimizes forever and ever until such time that it reappears and I can continue the installation... I could literally go eat lunch, take a quick nap and it will not be ready. Some other times, it takes less but still I could say (seat of the pants) 5 minutes or so.
I have renamed the folder to Instashield.old... no such luck.
I have gone to the registry and remove, delete whatever files google tells me but nothing happens... again, I have pretty much done an array of different things I have found when searching for an answer even though the issues those people have had are not particularly equal or the same as mine... I am desperate so I choose to try them anyways.
I am not to positive I will find an answer here because I search for Instashield and did not find a single post for it but you guys are my last hope. and so far, I have had good luck when I ask for help here.