Visual Studio 2013 installation failed: Build Tools x86 Fatal Error

  1. Posts : 18
    Windows 7 Enterprise 32bit

    Visual Studio 2013 installation failed: Build Tools x86 Fatal Error

    I'm trying to install Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 7 x64 and run into the same fatal error about 2 min in everytime: Build Tools x86 Fatal Error during installation.

    I have attached a zip file w/ the screenshot of the error and the error log if it helps. if theres any other logs or info that might help shed more let i'm happy to gather those as well! any help would be greatly appreciated! I'll also say that I have been able to use the same install files on a different machine w/ out an issue so it seems as though the media isn't the culprit here.

    thank you!
    Visual Studio 2013 installation failed:  Build Tools x86 Fatal Error Attached Files
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18
    Windows 7 Enterprise 32bit
    Thread Starter

    one more update to this.....i found this build tools log with a couple of possibly relevant errors that I was hoping could help. I just am not sure how to proceed...any help would be appreciated!
      My Computer


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