Does this program found in System32 still work in Windows 7?

  1. Posts : 50
    Windows 7 Professional SP1 64 bit

    Does this program found in System32 still work in Windows 7?

    Hello. I was just curious today, because back in 2011, I found an old program I remember using in Windows 98. It was in the System32 folder. The program is called "DIALER.EXE". Now, would this work if you don't have a modem, but you do have a house phone hooked up to your PC?

    Example of setup: Blocked
    (image credit: overview for Iusewindows7)

    I'm just now asking for 1 word.


    Does this program found in System32 still work in Windows 7?-dialer.png
    Last edited by lukewt1017; 26 Dec 2023 at 22:13.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 15
    Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 64-bit

    lukewt1017 said:
    Now, would this work if you don't have a modem, but you do have a house phone hooked up to your PC?
    Phone Dialler works by talking to a modem so, unless you can find a modem driver that fakes it while playing the audio out your speakers, it will just give you an error message.

    However, if you can find such a driver, it will work if you hold a landline phone up to your speakers, because touch-tone dialling is purely sound-based. (Back in the 80s and 90s, stores like Radio Shack sold battery-powered pocket devices with phone keypads that you could hold up to the mouthpiece to navigate touch-tone voicemail menus when calling in through a pulse-dialling phone line.)
      My Computer


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