Thank you Stalker. It has been added. I'm surprised I haven't added that one already. :)
hi all this is a great program i have been using this for a while it helped me solve a issue of explorer.exe from freezing up by allowing me to disable context add ons in the explorer context, after finding two culprit programs all working fine now. this is a a good read toRight-click is slow or weird behavior caused by context menu handlers
WinSize2 is a free AutoHotKey program that remembers the active window size/position when you hit the hotkey. It uses window class name as well as title to recognize the window when it opens.
I'm trying it now on my Win7 PC. So far it seems to work as designed. It's useful for those programs that either open on the center of the desktop or just at any position and don't remember where you closed them.
The default is a 3 key hotkey but you can change it. I reset it to Alt Z just so I don't have to hold 2 keys down while pressing a 3rd. Once you save a window position, next time you open that window, if it's not at the saved spot, it's moved immediately.
I haven't tried anything yet involving resizing. But setting the position seems to work well.
The AHK script source is included in the download. It looks nicely done with a tabbed settings dialog.
HSF-HTTP File Server
What is it?
... it's file sharing
... it's webserver
... it's open source
... it's free
... it's guaranteed to contain no malware
Download and upload
Virtual file system
Highly customizable
HTML template
Bandwidth control
Easy/Expert mode
Full control over connections
Dynamic DNS updater
You can use HFS (HTTP File Server) to send and receive files. It's different from classic file sharing because it uses web technology to be more compatible with today's Internet.
It also differs from classic web servers because
it's very easy to use and runs "right out-of-the box".
Access your remote files, over the network.
It has been successfully tested with Wine under Linux.
HSF-HTTP File Server is 32 bit compatible only, not for x64. I found the website hostile in that it shut down my Win 7 x64 computer which is the very first time this has happened on any web page I've visited.