Ah I see. Added. :)
Hi ,
I just downloaded it from here - it's much faster
Ad-Aware Anniversary Edition Free | Anti-spyware Tools Download | PC World
Haven't tried it out yet .
Added. :)
To bad the download link for it doesn't seem to work from Ad-Aware's site. I would prefer it instead. Oh well.
Ad-Aware Free - Lavasoft
I installed it yesterday, cancelled the reboot and didnt boot until this morning... Free version am talking about here.... anyways, i got THE weirdest looking boot screen i have YET to see on 7. I didnt get a pic of it, but i'll try to describe.
of course the "something" i forget what directories it was showing as it flashed real quick while i was grabbing a cup of coffee and caught it out of the corner of my eye. The windows logo was still present, but this "code" was right beneath it. I booted up just fine, so far. I am guessing that it has to do with the ad-watch included with it (reg watcher). Although when i pull it up, its disabled. I cant remember if I did that myself, or if windows wouldnt load it prior to boot or just what exactly was going on to throw up that code message i gave. no bsod thoCode:"45/45 C:\windows\something\something\something"
Hi Digger,
This is nothing to worry about as I had the same on my system. It is probably the installer finishing creating/writing data to the registry, which is not too dissimilar to some Windows Updates. Lavasoft is a well-established company, and I have used variants of their Ad-Aware product for many years without any problems.
Hi all, just out of interest I did my first full shut down and Boot for a few days earlier and also noticed an extra line of text during the graphic screen stage.
The interesting thing is that I have not installed ad-aware on this machine maybe the mystery text comes from a MS update ? and of course the same as Digger I noticed it was there but not enough to actually read the text - I guess I drink too much coffee
arrrgh.... yes, a few MS updates i noticed... but now I have my old disk corruption issue once again!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! trying to extract a file that I ALREADY extracted on this new install, worked perfect.... but not now.... once again
so, i'm gonna first do an sfc, then chkdsk, if that fails, wiping both adaware and those updates off..... the agony
Glad to have joined this forum. very informative. thanks a lot & keep up this good work !!!