FREE Great Programs for Windows 7

  1. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    Tepid said:
    Then that is why it works for Mike and not for polycue

    With UAC Enabled, certain parts of the drive are marked as not accessible by standard user, And prompts for raising access level. Root of C:\ and Program Files are not standard user accessible areas for security reasons.

    Which is another reason I would not recommend the app discussed here.
    Agreed, it is very dangerous to give elevated permissions to programs you don't know anything about.

    But you can elevate Notepad permissions without any problems, and Notepad is what writes the file.

    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    Just to be clear about this, if you are a normal "user" on a network, or a shared machine etc, no sensible admin is going to give you elevated permissions for anything at all.

    If you are a single user on a single machine, then there is no problem. You just give yourself the required permissions, ( or the program you want to use).

    I would most definitely not give elevated permissions to any unknown program. Also, I assume that a single user who wants to do things like this is not going to go crazy and start editing system files with notepad, ( or whatever else one might use).

    In point of fact, many common file managers automatically have elevated permissions when installed. So one might do a very great deal of damage with them. This does occur now and again, but most users are sensible and don't want to ruin their installation.

    Some of these things have to be taken as read.

    The original App, ( Which I also definitely do not recommend ) manages to circumvent UAC because it has to be run with elevated permissions in order to work in system directories. There is no principal difference between doing that and elevating Notepad.

    Also, and finally, there is no good reason to use such an app in system directories. The primary usage would be in documenting downloads and suchlike, and these should not be in system directories.

    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    For anybody who wants an application like this I have just compiled this source code, and also run it as a script in Autohotkey, and it works perfectly;

    ; DownNote
    ; Version 0.2
    ; Generated using SmartGUI Creator 3.4
    ; Author: Maria Seliger
    ; This program creates textfiles to folders or files with the same name to
    ; enter description for folders & files.
    ; It uses for editing the freeware program PSPad,
    ; You might use also other editors. In this case you have to change the locations
    ; in the lines which begin with Run
    ; Usage:
    ; 1. Open Folder to which you want add descriptions: Button Folder
    ; 2. Select Files and Folders from the listview element to which you want to
    ;    add descriptions. Example:
    ; Backup | Backup.txt: To the folder Backup a file with name Backup.txt exists.   
    ; In this case the Backup.txt file is opening for editing.
    ; Backup | new: No description file to the folder exists. A new file is created
    ; (empty or by template).
    ; File1.txt | File1.txt: No source file or folder exists to the text file. The
    ; text file is opening for editing.
    ; 3. If you want to use empty file templates you can use the button FileNote.
    ;    It will create or open text files to the selected files & folders in PsPad
    ;    Editor. There you can edit / view the content.
    ; 4. If you want to use templates you can use the button FileNoteTemplate.
    ;    You have to select a text template and then the template is used for the
    ;    new text files which are created. Existing files are only opened for editing.
    ; 5. To modify the view after creating the files use the button Modify.
    ; 6. You may also use the program FileNote in addition.
    ;    See
    ; 7. Button Close: Closes the program.
    ; 8. Button Delete: Deletes corresponding text files to files / folders.
    ; 9. What to do next:
    ;    Add button to combine selected text files.
    ;    ? Add button to search in text with grep or agrep.
    Gui, Add, ListView, x6 y47 w450 h410, File|FileNote
    Gui, Add, Button, x476 y67 w150 h30, FileNote
    Gui, Add, Button, x476 y107 w150 h30, FileNoteTemplate
    Gui, Add, Button, x476 y307 w150 h30, Modify
    Gui, Add, Button, x476 y347 w150 h30, Delete
    Gui, Add, Button, x476 y387 w150 h30, About
    Gui, Add, Button, x476 y427 w150 h30, Close
    Gui, Add, Button, x476 y7 w150 h30, Folder
    Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y7 w450 h30 r2 vFolderpath
    ; Gather a list of file names from a folder and put them into the ListView:
    Gui, Show, x173 y146 h483 w635, FileNote
       FileSelectFolder, OutputVar, , 0, Select Folder
       if OutputVar =
         Gui, Show, x173 y146 h483 w635, FileNote
         GoSub, Browse
       Gui, Show, x173 y146 h483 w635, FileNote
       RowNumber = 0  ; first loop iteration to start search at the top of the list
          RowNumber:= LV_GetNext(RowNumber) ; first selected element
          if not RowNumber  ; zero = no more selected rows
          LV_GetText(Text, RowNumber)
          GoSub, GetFileName
          Sleep 100 ; this is because sometimes PsPad fails to open the files correctly
                     ; if you have problems increase time
           Run, C:\Programme\PSPad\PsPad.exe "%filename%"
        GoSub ButtonModify
        Gui, Show, x173 y146 h483 w635, FileNote
    ; select template
       FileSelectFile, SelectedFile, , , Open Template for FileNote, Text Documents (*.txt)
    ; create files or open file if it already exist
      RowNumber = 0  ; first loop iteration to start search at the top of the list
          RowNumber:= LV_GetNext(RowNumber) ; first selected element
          if not RowNumber  ; zero = no more selected rows
          LV_GetText(Text, RowNumber)
          GoSub, GetFileName
          IfNotExist, %filename%
            FileCopy, %SelectedFile%, %filename%
          Sleep, 100 ; this is because sometimes PsPad fails to open the files correctly
                     ; if you have problems increase time
          Run, C:\Programme\PSPad\PsPad.exe "%filename%"
       GoSub ButtonModify
       Gui, Show, x173 y146 h483 w635, FileNote
       RowNumber = 0  ; first loop iteration to start search at the top of the list
          RowNumber:= LV_GetNext(RowNumber) ; first selected element
          if not RowNumber  ; zero = no more selected rows
          LV_GetText(Text, RowNumber)
          GoSub, GetFileName
          IfExist, %workfolder%%filename%
          Msgbox, 4, Delete File, Do you want to delete the file %workfolder%%filename%?
          IfMsgbox, Yes
             FileDelete, %workfolder%%filename%
             GoSub, ButtonModify
       Gui, Show, x173 y146 h483 w635, FileNote
       if OutputVar<>
          GoSub, Browse
       if OutputVar =
          Gui, Show, x173 y146 h483 w635, FileNote
          GoSub, Browse
       Gui, Show, x173 y146 h483 w635, FileNote
       Msgbox DownNote Program created by Maria Seliger, Version 0.1, Usage see SourceCode!
       Gui, Show, x173 y146 h483 w635, FileNote
      LV_Delete() ; Delete content of listview
      GuiControl, , Folderpath, %OutputVar%
      SetWorkingDir, %OutputVar%
      workfolder=%A_WorkingDir% ; for later use
      Loop, %A_WorkingDir%\*.*,1,0 ; collects only files and folders which are not
                                   ; text files
        if A_LoopFileExt<>%extension%
           Searchstring=%Searchstring% %nameoffile%
      Loop, %A_WorkingDir%\*.*,1,0
            IfInString, nameoffile, %point%
              StringTrimRight, filename, nameoffile, 4
              StringTrimRight, filename2, nameoffile, 4
            IfExist, %OutputVar%\%filename%
              IfNotInString, Searchstring, %filename2%
                LV_Add("", nameoffile, filename)
              If nameoffile<>%filename%
                LV_Add("", nameoffile, filename)
                 LV_Add("", A_LoopFileName, filename)
         LV_ModifyCol(1)  ; Auto-size first column to fit its contents
          If A_LoopFileSize > 0
            StringTrimRight, filename, nameoffile, 4
       GoSub GuiClose
    The code is courtesy of "Maria Seliger";

    Downnote - an addition to FileNote

    and instructions etc can be found there. I can't load an executable file here, but I can doubtless dump it somewhere on the net and link to it.

    This is what the application looks like when run;

    An excerpt from the script with general instructions;

    ; Version 0.2
    ; Generated using SmartGUI Creator 3.4
    ; Author: Maria Seliger
    ; This program creates textfiles to folders or files with the same name to
    ; enter description for folders & files.
    ; It uses for editing the freeware program PSPad,
    ; You might use also other editors. In this case you have to change the locations
    ; in the lines which begin with Run
    ; Usage:
    ; 1. Open Folder to which you want add descriptions: Button Folder
    ; 2. Select Files and Folders from the listview element to which you want to
    ; add descriptions. Example:
    ; Backup | Backup.txt: To the folder Backup a file with name Backup.txt exists.
    ; In this case the Backup.txt file is opening for editing.
    ; Backup | new: No description file to the folder exists. A new file is created
    ; (empty or by template).
    ; File1.txt | File1.txt: No source file or folder exists to the text file. The
    ; text file is opening for editing.
    ; 3. If you want to use empty file templates you can use the button FileNote.
    ; It will create or open text files to the selected files & folders in PsPad
    ; Editor. There you can edit / view the content.
    ; 4. If you want to use templates you can use the button FileNoteTemplate.
    ; You have to select a text template and then the template is used for the
    ; new text files which are created. Existing files are only opened for editing.
    ; 5. To modify the view after creating the files use the button Modify.
    ; 6. You may also use the program FileNote in addition.
    ; See
    ; 7. Button Close: Closes the program.
    ; 8. Button Delete: Deletes corresponding text files to files / folders.
    ; 9. What to do next:
    ; Add button to combine selected text files.
    ; ? Add button to search in text with grep or agrep.

    The person in question, ( although I doubt it is actually THE Holy Mary ) is obviously a foreign language speaker, but the instructions are clear enough.

    Best to get autohotkey and run the script, or compile it yourself.

    The application uses PsPad as an editor.

    I will see if I can find somewhere to post the Executable for those who are unable or unwilling to use a script or compile it themselves.

    OK, here is the compiled executable;

    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 141
    Windows 7 Professional x64 x86 VISTA XP 98SE 95 3.x

    Mike Connor said:

    But you can elevate Notepad permissions without any problems, and Notepad is what writes the file.

    Regards....Mike Connor
    How do you elevate Notepad permissions on a permanent basis without disabling UAC?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    polycue said:
    Mike Connor said:

    But you can elevate Notepad permissions without any problems, and Notepad is what writes the file.

    Regards....Mike Connor
    How do you elevate Notepad permissions on a permanent basis without disabling UAC?

    Regards...Mike Connor
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    This is the application running on the folder;

    C:\Program Files (x86)

    It loads the whole folder and you can add, edit, modify or delete file notes to your heart's content.

    Regards...Mike Connor
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 141
    Windows 7 Professional x64 x86 VISTA XP 98SE 95 3.x

    I've elevated Notepad permissions FREE Great Programs for Windows 7-2011-03-21_155608.jpg but when I use Filenote... in "program files" I am still required to navigate to the relevant folder.

    FileNotes Windows Tagger does not have this problem and seems to be the better choice.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    OK, have altered the script to use Notepad and recompiled it, here is the executable;

    DownnoteNP.exe - download now for free. File sharing. Software file sharing. Free file hosting. File upload.


    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    polycue said:
    I've elevated Notepad permissions FREE Great Programs for Windows 7-2011-03-21_155608.jpg but when I use Filenote... in "program files" I am still required to navigate to the relevant folder.

    FileNotes Windows Tagger does not have this problem and seems to be the better choice. works for me with elevated permissions on another machine.

    Whatever, try the file I just uploaded first. Much more comfortable and less dangerous.

    If you don't like it you can still use the other one.

    Regards...Mike Connor
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    You can elevate the permissions on "DownnoteNP" quite easily, and as it only works for editing file notes you can't do any harm with it;

    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer


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