FREE Great Programs for Windows 7

  1. mjf
    Posts : 5,969
    Windows 7x64 Home Premium SP1

    DVD Movie Database

    I looked around for a while for a DVD/Blu Ray movie database program and settled on this one. Light weight and easy to make portable. Looks good as well.

    EMDB is a small utility to keep track of your DVD collection. With an automatic import from the database of IMDB, export to csv, text or complete website, thumbnail cover preview, a loan tracker, search function and multi-language user interface. EMDB is written in C++ using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and doesn't need a .NET framework or any other external libraries. And best of all... it's free!
    EMDB is available in several languages: English, Dutch, Danish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, Hungarian Croatian, Swedish, Greek, Catalan, Czech, Norwegian, Japanese, French, Finnish, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Serbian, Slovenian, Arabic and Portuguese (Brazil) translations are included in the setup.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,092
    Windows 7 32 bit

    rcopy - recursively copy files to existing folder

    rcopy is a command line program to recursively copy
    files matching FilePattern to a Destination Folder.
    If FilePattern contains a valid path, it will be set
    as the working directory, or starting point for the copy.
    Otherwise the current path in the command prompt is the
    working directory. The target folder must already exist.
    No folder structure is created. All files are copied to
    the same target folder.

    You can download here: Faves Downloads

    I wrote rcopy because other command line copy commands such
    as xcopy want to recreate the folder structure in the target.
    The idea of rcopy is to produce the same effect as searching
    a file pattern in Explorer, then dragging the files to a
    target folder, but using the command line.

    Important Note: I wrote this utility for my own use. You are
    welcome to use it at your own risk. I only have English Language
    versions of Windows for testing. Your mileage may vary. I hope you
    find the utility useful.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Ultimate

    What is the difference between Windows 7 and Windows Vista in the programs ????

    What is the difference between Windows 7 86x and 64x????
    Last edited by Brink; 16 Jan 2012 at 10:50. Reason: merged
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 19,383
    Windows 10 Pro x64 ; Xubuntu x64

    karar said:
    What is the difference between Windows 7 86x and 64x????
    See here :
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Ultimate

    thx my friend
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 130
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    Seven vs Vista

    karar said:
    What is the difference between Windows 7 and Windows Vista in the programs ????
    Vista is widely regarded as one the inferior and flawed versions of Windows. It is slow and prone to crashing.

    Windows 7 is widely regarded as one of the better versions of Windows.
    I found Vista so annoying, I installed Win 7 64-bit as soon as the Beta came out about 3 years ago and never looked back.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 69
    Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit

    How do you find these programs.

    PS: Youre the best! :happy:
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 16,517
    7 X64

    Sorry to hear you didn't get on with Vista.

    It always worked beautifully for me - and for millions of others.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 1,113
    windows 7 professional & ultimate 64bit laptops

    SIW2 said:
    Sorry to hear you didn't get on with Vista.

    It always worked beautifully for me - and for millions of others.

    agree !
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 12,177
    Windows 7 Ult x64 - SP1/ Windows 8 Pro x64

    SIW2 said:
    Sorry to hear you didn't get on with Vista.

    It always worked beautifully for me - and for millions of others.
    Agree, never had any issues to speak of, do like moving to the next versions.
      My Computer


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