Thank you Peter. I have removed it from the list until it works better with uninstalling in Windows 7.
Thank you Peter. I have removed it from the list until it works better with uninstalling in Windows 7.
You can add Rainlendar v.22, CCleaner, WinAMP, MozBackup, DVDShrink 3.2, Yahoo Messenger & InfraRecorder to the list.
All work perfectly on 6801 x64.
That's ok Peter. I'll add it back to the list when it fully works properly with Windows 7. I do not want to have a program on the list that will cause issues like that.
I've found a few programmes that work well in Vista and Windows 7
AM-Deadlink - utility to restore the favicons for your favourites folder
Belarc Advisor - gives you the low down on what's in your PC and keys/license information, tells you if you are up to date with WU.
Belarc - System Management For The Internet Age
IE New Window Maximizer - ensures each IE window opens to full screen (or not)
jiiSoft :: Products
Incredimail - email client
IncrediMail - Have Fun Sending Email!
IP Lookup - great and handy tool for your desktop, makes IP lookup a breeze. It's no longer supported but works just fine (Direct download)
IReboot - for multi-booters, decide which system to boot into next - goes arm in arm with the next application
Download iReboot 1.1 - NeoSmart Technologies
Easy BCD - bootloader. Install it on the system that controls your muti-boot bootloader and you can make many adjustments
Download EasyBCD 1.7.2 - NeoSmart Technologies
Purrint - an old application from XP Gold days, makes print screen or posting a pic of your screen easy
Purrint - Download (of course I know we now have the Snipping Tool)
Quicktime Alternative - QT Player without the bloat and ads : QuickTime Alternative 2.7.0 : QuickTime Alternative will allow you to play QuickTime files (.mov, .qt and other extensions) without having to install the official QuickTime Player.
Real Alternative - Real Player without the bloat and ads :: Download Real Alternative 1.90 : Real Alternative will allow you to play RealMedia files without having to install RealPlayer/RealOne Player
VoipStunt - Desktop VOIP client - call anywhere in the world for around 2 euro cents/minute after an initial free period.
Voipstunt | Free international calls worldwide!
Last edited by Ex_Brit; 21 Nov 2008 at 16:08.
Hi all,
Some more apps running on Seven x86 ...
All installed without problems and so far are running fine ...
Inkscape (Vista RTM Compatibility mode)
Picasa 3
Mediamonkey 3
Another useful tool..
Stickies - this is a sticky note programme with a difference, you can set them to sleep for as long as you want until an appointment is due or..whatever...!
Zhorn Software