FREE Great Programs for Windows 7

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  1. Posts : 72,952
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Eraser added. :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 95
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Eh, no Halite?! :) I think it's a quite a neat torrent client, native 64-bit and very light-weight.

    Alright, you don't like Halite, about this for size, Caligari TrueSpace 7.6 which was retailing for $600 but is now free ever since Micosoft bought them and decided to discontinue the product line:

    trueSpace Downloads

    This truly is free software!

    I'm editing this post to add a free version of the Neo hex editor I use:
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 139
    Windows 7 RTM x64

    Virtualbox works like a charm. totaly free.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,379
    Win7 Pro 32-bit, Win8 Pro 32-bit

    For Samurize, please add a note that you must use compatibility mode and install as administrator; otherwise, it complains that it's not compatible and won't install.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 72,952
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Thank you Mark. Note added.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 24
    Windows 7 RC1

    Great list folks! I have a lot more to add :) These are proggies that I am using with Windows 7 RC1 and have encountered no issues

    cSFV: A really great SFV integrity check tool, allows queuing of sfv checks too. The interface is a bit ugly though :)

    Download cSFV

    Daemon Tools Lite: My favorite virtual CD drive tool, newest version works flawlessly with W7 although you will get a compatibility warning, just ignore it. Please be sure to untick the search bars .etc when installing, this is just an optional addon, but the app itself has no spyware / ad-aware.

    Downloads ::

    DAMN NFO Viewer: A really nice NFO viewing tool for ASCII art .etc

    Download DAMN NFO Viewer 2.10.0032.RC3 - The BEST utility for viewing text files containing ASCII Art (NFO/DIZ/TXT) - Softpedia

    Digsby: This is my favorite chat client, email notifier and social networking notifier all in one. It supports all the most popular social networks, chat protocols and email services. The only little issue this has on W7 is that the email notification icons appear in random order on the taskbar, in XP they were always in the same order.

    The installer for this app on the official site gives you a bunch of sponsored apps to choose from before actually installing the app. To avoid this, use the following link which doesn't do this, and is the current version :)

    eMule: Connects to some networks for P2P file dowloads, works well for certain things but in general is pretty slow with long queues. Worth mentioning nonetheless :) - Official eMule Homepage. Downloads, Help, Docu, News...

    Exact Audio Copy: This goes hand in hand with foobar2000, EAC is by far the BEST audio CD ripper on any platform, nothing even comes close! I have not attempted a rip just yet in W7, but the program appears to run fine.

    Download » Exact Audio Copy

    Frontah: This is a really great scriptable batch audio converter, it can read / write just about any format as long as you install the appropriate codec exe file. I use it for batch encoding my FLAC files to MP3 for iPod use :)

    Frontah Download

    FSUM: A little command-line MD5 tool, most people will probably prefer HashTab (that was mentioned above) but I still love having a commandline version. I usually place the exe in \Windows\System32 so it's instantly accessible in the command prompt. Best thing about this is that you can easily get MD5 sums for many files in a folder by using wildcards.

    SlavaSoft FSUM - Fast File Integrity Checker

    Notepad2: An awesome programming editor / notepad replacement. This is the only notpad alternative which feels more in place in Windows than notepad itself. I always take ownership of notepad.exe and replace it with Notepad2. A really great editor, works flawlessly in w7.

    flo's freeware - Notepad2

    PuTTY: A lovely SSH client which allows you to interact with unix web servers .etc.

    PuTTY Download Page

    Soulseek: A really nice P2P program, short queues, terrible interface though. Works well in W7.


    Stardock Fences: Probably my favorite Windows addon, this is still in public beta but is very stable. It allows you to group / fence off your desktop icons. Everyone I have shown this program to ends up using it.

    Fences™ - By Stardock - Clean up your desktop clutter

    SyncBack Freeware: If you use SyncToy or similar, you should really check out SyncBack. It allows very powerful yet easy syncing of files in a source and destination location. Great for backups, I use it all the time!

    2BrightSparks | Freeware

    Universal Theme Patcher: The easiest way to patch uxtheme to allow for unsigned 3rd party msstyles themes. Not many available for W7 yet, but it's only a matter of time.

    TCP-Z, Best TCP/IP Patch: Download Latest Version

    VMWare Player: A very nice virtual machine player, allows you to use VMWare created virtual machines. This is very lightweight and much faster and responsive than Virtual PC.

    Download VMware Player, Free VMware

    Some tips to go alongside this:
    - To create your virtual machines, you can use EasyVMX: EasyVMX!: Virtual Machine Creator
    - VMWare player creates a new user that forces the login screen to appear even if your system only has 1 user. Use the following reg file to hide this user and fix the issue.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList]
    WinSCP: A really awesome FTP / SCP client, makes editing code very easy as it automatically re-uploads the file as soon as it's changed.

    WinSCP :: Download

    Edit: Here are a few more favorites :)

    Filezilla: A great FTP / SCP client with excellent queing and file exist options. These days I find myself using WinSCP more, but this one is still great.

    SpeedRenamer: A very easy to use file renaming program. Not very advanced, but straight forward and easy :)

    KDiff: A very powerful file comparison tool (very nice for programmers). Works great in W7

    XnView: An excellent free image editor. Heaps of keyboard shortcuts and a built in file browser too!

    Last edited by zambz; 28 May 2009 at 06:31.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 4,925
    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

    Nice list there. Ive been using soulseek myself for ages. There is actually a 64-bit compiled version of putty here

    edit: also 64-bit notepad 2 at
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5
    Windows 7 and Windows XP SP3

    Google Chrome works fine under Windows 7. It is much faster than IE or Firefox, IMHO.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 5,092
    Windows 7 32 bit

    Topmost Toggle

    Another of my freeware utilities for Windows. Topmost Toggle toggles the Stay On Top attribute of the active window using Control-Right Click.


    Scroll about 1/2 way down the page and you'll see the download link.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 72,952
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Thank you MilesAhead. Added. :)
      My Computer

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