FREE Great Programs for Windows 7

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  1. Posts : 918
    Windows 7 Professional, Windows Longhorn 4074

    FullyLoadedMan said:
    Flock web browser
    Flock Browser - The Social Web Browser
    The Social Browser, access Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and many more networking sites all from your browser.
    Also has Blog editing tools and RSS feed reader.
    Oh, Flock is a really good browser, but it is so close to FireFox I'm unsure if it makes a difference.

    Blender 3D works nicely! Can you add it if its not already on there? - Home
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 92
    Windows 7

    Nice list, thanks.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 20
    Windows 7

    I have found a new video converter that is totally awesome,
    Converts all sorts of media from photos to videos to music. Converting all my videos to ipod friendly was so easy.

    Name Is Format Factory should be added to the list
    Format Factory - Free media file format converter
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 72,972
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Thank you Droalex. Added. :)
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 627
    Windows 7 7600.16384 x64

    HandBrake is an awesome video converter. It is open source too. It is great for
    ripping your DVDs too.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 72,972
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Thank you Tim. HandBrake added. :)
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 46
    Windows 7 64-bit


    both work for me :)
    (RC 7100)
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,011
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (Retail)

    Here's one you should consider adding. It's the FREE "Ultimate Windows Tweaker v.2.0 (for 7 & Vista). Let's you safely make many kinds of easily reversible tweaks like, for example, adding: "Move to Folder" and "Copy to Folder" and "Take Ownership" to the explorer right click context menu, to name just a few. Highly recommended and no installation is required. It runs as a portable .exe.

    "Ultimate Windows Tweaker v 2.0 is a freeware Tweak UI Utility for tweaking and optimizing Windows 7 & Windows Vista, 32-bit & 64-bit. It can simply be downloaded and used as a portable application to customize your Windows to meet your requirements. With judicious tweaking, it can make your system faster, more stable, and more secure with just a few mouse clicks. The tweaker detects whether you have Windows 7 or Windows Vista installed and accordingly offers you the relevant tweaks only."
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 282
    Windows 7 7264x64(main), 7260x86(secendary), XP SP3 Triple Boot

    if you want to sync folders on your PC, or network/USB Stick, I tried this nice software called SyncToy 2.0 x86 from microsoft. it works fine, but the x64 version seems to be buggy so I don't recommend that yet. I use it to to sync folders on my PC with a USB Stick. it can detect new or deleted/moved files and it will keep the folders synced, also it can be configured to ignore hidden or system protect files.. here is the download link if you are interested
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 75

    akramh said:
    if you want to sync folders on your PC, or network/USB Stick, I tried this nice software called SyncToy 2.0 x86 from microsoft. it works fine, but the x64 version seems to be buggy so I don't recommend that yet. I use it to to sync folders on my PC with a USB Stick. it can detect new or deleted/moved files and it will keep the folders synced, also it can be configured to ignore hidden or system protect files.. here is the download link if you are interested
    Akramh, I used this one too for awhile. I gave it up cuz the cached files seem to take up a LOT of hd space. (I was using it to sync about 700+gb tho. Sync'ing a few gb to a USB shouldn't have that issue.) It is a pretty good freebie for syncing but, Comodo is my choice now...fwiw.
      My Computer

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