Here's another one of mine called Toggle. You can download from this page:
It's the one that just says Toggle, not to be confused with TopMost Toggle that's lower down on the page.
Usage: Toggle [% width] [% height] Title
e.g. Toggle 75 90 Opera
It sits in the tray. When you press Alt-F11 or double click the icon, it looks for a window with title Title, saves its current size and position, then centers it and sizes it the specified %width and %height of the desktop.
If you only specify one number that will be used for both. If you specify no number, just the Title, 50 will be used for both. Also if you don't specify any params it will assume Firefox at the size I like. If you don't like that size, specify something.
Why? Because I hate maximizing apps. When maximized they block RocketDock and other stuff. This way I can hit the hotkey and toggle between big(but not maximized) and original size and position. (btw if the associated window is maximized, the command will do nothing in order not to mess up the stored window state used by Windows.)
Once launched it only toggles window with Title. You can launch more than one with different params to toggle different windows, but only the 1st can capture the hotkey. But you can just Double Click the Tray Icon to toggle. The tooltip tells you which window that instance toggles. (It matches substring Title in the window caption. If more than one window comes up a match, it should pick the one most recently active.)
If the associated window is not found, it pops up an error dialog for 2 seconds. I try to save the active window and restore around the error dialog to avoid it stealing the focus, but that only works with the hotkey. Naturally if you double click a Tray Icon, no application window has the focus anyway.
It should work with Windows XP and later. It's only for the main monitor.
I don't have multiple monitors to test multi-monitor stuff.
You are welcome to use it at your own risk.
(Yes I know there are a zillion desktop window size control thingies out there. But I only want to toggle a specific window. If you are using one of those, you should probably do everything with that utility to avoid conflicts.)
There's an included Readme.txt with probably less detail than I've already posted, but it may have something I missed here. :)