One nice easy tweak you can make is comment out line 65 of XCopyTool.hta like so:
'Set SelectedFolder = WindowsShell.BrowseForFolder(0, Prompt, &H0001, 17)
and replace it with the same line but with the &H0001 flag changed to &H0011 giving this result:
Set SelectedFolder = WindowsShell.BrowseForFolder(0, Prompt, &H0011, 17)
Setting that flag option adds an Edit Line to the BrowseForFolder dialog. Instead of having to click down and expand the tree to pick a folder you can type or paste it in. It doesn't accept drag & drop but at least if you have your source and destination folders open in explorer windows you can click the title or address bar and copy/paste into the dialog. Makes it a lot easier than clicking down.
Last edited by MilesAhead; 30 Mar 2010 at 14:41.